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2021年おすすめエアコン。Recommended air conditioner for 2021.Japan.



This time, we recommend the recommended air conditioner, the home version. Thank you very much for your patience. This is a revised version. In Japan, air conditioners will be installed on the walls of the rooms. Then install it in each room. The disadvantage of this type of installation is that there is no air conditioner in the corridor, toilet, etc., but the air conditioner will evolve, so if you replace it with a new one every 10 years, you can always keep it in good condition. I can do it.

Therefore, if you think that the air conditioner is disposable and the price of the desired product is high, you can use another cheap manufacturer. Each has a budget. I have never experienced a broken Japanese product. Therefore, if you replace the product with a new one in a 10-year cycle, you will be fully satisfied with any product. It comes from various manufacturers. I would like to select the characteristics and the manufacturer that interests me from my own perspective.

MITSUBISHI なんといっても、省エネルギーならこれ。つまり、電気代が、お安い。日本製も嬉しいですね。FZシリーズで、省エネルギー達成率122ー144%。Amazon Alexa ,スマートフォンに対応。電気を帯びたミストが、菌、ウイルス、カビ菌、花粉を制御して脱臭。保湿効果あり。エアコンフィルターは、自動お掃除メカで、いつも清潔に。オゾンの力で、エアコン内部のカビ菌を除去。

MITSUBISHI After all, this is for energy saving. In other words, the electricity bill is cheap. I’m also happy that it’s made in Japan. With the FZ series, the energy saving achievement rate is 122-144%. Compatible with Amazon Alexa and smartphones. An electrically charged mist controls bacteria, viruses, molds, and pollen to deodorize. Has a moisturizing effect. The air conditioner filter is always clean with an automatic cleaning mechanism. The power of ozone removes mold bacteria inside the air conditioner.

FUJITSU ダブルAI、室内環境の温度むらを無くす。1日の朝から夜まで、AIが、温度調整してくれます。他に除湿もします。加熱して、カビ菌、細菌を除去します。これは、業界初。AI機能は、Amazon Alexa,Google アシスタント対応。スマートフォン対応。これも良いですね。一番良いシリーズのXシリーズで、省エネルギー達成率、111ー140%

FUJITSU Double AI eliminates temperature unevenness in the indoor environment. AI will adjust the temperature from morning till night of the day. It also dehumidifies. Heat to remove mold and bacteria. This is the first in the industry. AI function is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Compatible with smartphones. This is also good. The best series of X series, energy saving achievement rate, 111-140%


HITACHI You can operate the air conditioner with your smartphone from outside. Freezing cleans the inside of dirt, mold, heat exchangers and drainage at once. Equipped with a fan robot that automatically cleans the dust attached to the fan and suppresses the decrease in capacity. The characteristic of this manufacturer is that there are many metal parts. Stainless clean system. Living camera AI. Equipped with person identification technology. When there are no more people, modest driving and automatic stop. With the X series, the energy saving achievement rate is 115-153%.

DAIKIN 最大の特徴は、換気しながら、加湿、暖房できるのは、こちらのメーカーだけです。とにかく、堅牢。加湿水と氷露水で、エアコン内部を放電、洗浄。スマートフォン対応。Rシリーズで、省エネルギー達成率111ー144%。

The biggest feature of DAIKIN is that only this manufacturer can humidify and heat while ventilating. Anyway, it’s robust. Discharge and clean the inside of the air conditioner with humidified water and ice dew water. Compatible with smartphones. With the R series, the energy saving achievement rate is 111-144%.

Panasonic フィルターお掃除ロボット(自動排出)搭載。吹き出す風の清潔さにこだわりのある製品。これは、このメーカーの独自技術。高濃度ナノーX搭載。OHラジカルが、菌の水素を抜き取り、除菌。一般的な空気イオン(マイナスイオン)の寿命約10ー100秒。ナノイーXは、約600秒。スマートファン対応。Xシリーズで、省エネルギー率111ー134%。

Equipped with Panasonic filter cleaning robot (automatic discharge). A product that is particular about the cleanliness of the blowing wind. This is the original technology of this manufacturer. Equipped with high-concentration Nano-X. OH radicals extract hydrogen from bacteria and sterilize them. The life of general air ions (negative ions) is about 10-100 seconds. Nanoe X takes about 600 seconds. Compatible with smart fans. With the X series, the energy saving rate is 111-134%.

MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES 航空機メーカーである強みを活かして、吹き出す気流が心地良い。人感センサー搭載。温度を見守ります。もちろん、ウイルス、菌、カビ、タバコ臭に対応。ナノミストイオン機能も搭載。フィルター自動清掃機能有り。除湿機能有り。加湿機能は、別売りのルーミストを購入すれば、自動連動。スマートフォンで遠隔操作可能。SYシリーズで、省エネルギー達成率110ー126%。

MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES Taking advantage of our strength as an aircraft manufacturer, the airflow that blows out is comfortable. Equipped with a motion sensor. Watch over the temperature. Of course, it is compatible with viruses, fungi, mold, and tobacco odors. Also equipped with nano mist ion function. There is an automatic filter cleaning function. Has a dehumidifying function. The humidification function is automatically linked if you purchase an optional Lumist. Can be remotely controlled with a smartphone. With the SY series, the energy saving achievement rate is 110-126%.

TOSHIBA 運転停止中にリモコンのお掃除ボタンを押すことで、1時間あたり、1L発生する結露水で、熱交換器に付着した汚れを強力に洗浄します。AI温冷熱センサーが、体表温度を感知。無風感冷房や日当たり節電、不在節電。スマートフォン対応。省エネルギー達成率100ー115%。

By pressing the cleaning button on the remote controller while TOSHIBA is out of operation, 1L of condensed water is generated per hour to strongly clean the dirt adhering to the heat exchanger. AI thermal sensor detects body surface temperature. Windless cooling, sunlight power saving, absence power saving. Compatible with smartphones. Energy saving achievement rate 100-115%.


The size of the display of Japanese manufacturers is displayed by the number of tatami mats. This is 1.65 m2 per tatami mat. From past experience, it would be better to buy a wider model that is one rank higher. This time, I wrote an air conditioner that I think is good. If you buy a new product every 10 years, you will always find a good product if you buy it with a budget that suits you without spending too much money. Newer and cheaper products often have better specs than older ones. I think it’s a good product that fits your budget. I wish you a better life.










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