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iPhone,iPad,MacBookでCD,音楽を取り込んでiCloudで共有して楽しむ方法!How to import CDs and music to iPhone, iPad, and Mac


This time, I will show you how to install and enjoy your own CDs on Apple products. This time, I am connecting a DVD player to my MacBook. I use a Logitec DVD player.



First, sync with iCloud. Files will be displayed on your device like apps. This method syncs Finder, which will be displayed as "Files."

Then, set the CD and DVD playback method in the settings to "Open BDMV" for CDs and "Open DVD Player" for DVDs, and you'll be able to play and save them for free.


右に複製されたブルー色のファイルができます。これをドラックして、iCloud Driveに移動させます。

これで、MacBookでCDのインストールが終わりました。では、iPad(iPhone)のiCloud Driveの中を見てみます。CDと同じタイトルの「桜」が2列目の一番右に、表示されています。

In your DVD player, insert the CD you want to install, then right-click and click "Duplicate".

A duplicated blue file will be created on the right. Drag this to move it to iCloud Drive.

This completes the installation of the CD on your MacBook. Now, look inside iCloud Drive on your iPad (iPhone). "Sakura," which has the same title as the CD, will be displayed at the far right of the second row.



今回は、自分の持っているCDをiCloud Driveにアップして、自分の持っている全てのデバイスで、音楽を共有する方法を書いてみました。音楽のサブスクリプションの心配もありません。iCloudを最大限に活かして、自分の好きな音楽をいろんなデバイスで、楽しんでください。


Click the play icon in the center of the screen to play the song.

This time, I wrote about how to upload your CDs to iCloud Drive and share music on all your devices. There's no need to worry about music subscriptions. Make the most of iCloud and enjoy your favorite music on various devices.

I hope this was helpful.




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