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クロードモネ「睡蓮」見学に行こう。Let’s go to see Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies”.








表紙のモネの作品は、The national Gallery,Londonの作品です。私は、この作品を実際に拝見しました。ずいぶん前です。モネは、数々の作品を出しています。その時は、「日傘の差した婦人」の作品と一緒に観ました。これが、ロンドンの所蔵するものかは、分かりません。モネは、たくさんの「睡蓮」を輩出しているからです。


Claude Monet (1840-1926) met Eugène Boudin in 1858. Then he learned landscape painting. He enrolled in Académie Suisse. He then returned to Le Havre to paint with Boudin and Yoikint.

In 1862, he returned to Paris, entered Charles Gleyre’s atelier, and met Renoir, Bazille, and Sisley. He painted a landscape painting of the Forest of Fontainebleau in 1863. He was first selected for the Salon in 1865. There was a war in 1870, during which he was staying in London with Pissarro. From 1872 to 1878 he stayed in Argenteuil.

In 1874, he was involved in the first Impressionist exhibition at Nadar’s studio. In 1878, his wife Camille died. He moved to Giberuni in 1883. He bought a house in 1890. The garden of this house has produced many of his representative works, “Water Lilies”. This pond was created by drawing water from the Epte River. A bridge called the Japanese-style drum bridge was built on this pond.

Monet, who spends most of his time at home, didn’t like to travel a lot.

In his later years, he suffers from cataracts. Some critics say that this is a major factor in Monet’s success as an Impressionist in his later years. The reason is that drawing a painting in a situation where the eyesight is weakened is largely due to the sensibilities. Therefore, Monet’s work, whose eyesight has deteriorated in his later years, is often evaluated more.

Monet’s paintings, which are drawn with sensibilities rather than relying on eyesight, are highly regarded. Monet then portrays his masterpiece until just before his later years. “The Water Lily Pond, Dusk” The work from 1916-1922 is 200 * 600 cm in size.

Drawing such a masterpiece in later years is physically difficult and takes a lot of time to create. In Monet’s later years, he became an Impressionist in exchange for his eyesight.

Monet’s work on the cover is from The national Gallery, London. I actually saw this work. It was a long time ago. Monet has produced numerous works. At that time, he watched it with the work of “Woman with a parasol”. I don’t know if this is in London’s collection. This is because Monet produces a lot of “water lilies”.

This work generously depicts the completed garden. This garden, which co-starred with light, uses a great variety of colors, and the appearance is very natural, the garden is even more colored, and its vividness is dazzling. In addition, the bridge that was hung is also exposed to the sun, creating a very beautiful appearance. There is no waste in beauty, and no matter which shot you cut and watch, you will not be dissatisfied with this painting. It is a work that is drawn very carefully to maximize the beauty, and the co-starring of the garden and the light makes you feel the color even more.


The coast of Normandy in northern France, where his wife Camille died and visited to fill his heart. Intricate rocks and ripples, intricate colors and brushstrokes are works that remind us of the great success of the later Impressionist painters.


This work is Monet’s “Water Lilies”. As a work, it is small. The 90 * 93cm water surface is diffusely reflected, creating a complex color scheme. There are still few water lilies in the garden, and the leaves and flowers of the water lilies that shine on the large surface of the water are exposed to the reflected light of the surface of the water, and the white color is used, which emphasizes the gorgeousness. I draw while looking down and carefully directing the water lilies.


Monet is a work that is becoming more and more impressive. The flowers are beautiful water lily flowers that are brightly colored and shine white. However, the leaves are already covered with light and appear to turn white and emerge. The way the light hits strongly is depicted as a light that gently wraps around in this way.


This work was drawn during the creation of the masterpiece “The Water Lily Pond, Dusk” (1916-1922). The theme is the bridge of Monet’s Pond with a Japanese-style drum bridge. It’s an 89 * 93cm work, not a big one, but it’s a very good work to enjoy as a work of Monet’s later years. The bridge is already a diffuse reflection of light, and its appearance is empty. The touch is also intense, and this is a good work to enjoy Monet in his later years. This is a work that deserves to be called Impressionism.





表紙のクロードモネ「睡蓮」の作品は、Google Arts & Culture からの引用で、所蔵は、The National Gallery,Londonです。

The Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art is famous for its high-quality water. The water in “Yamazaki” is clean, but this Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Sanso Museum is very well maintained. Therefore, as autumn leaves, you can enjoy a very wonderful view.

It’s so wonderful that I’m almost starting to sketch, so I can’t stay in the same place for a long time so that many people can enjoy it. It is a place that is often visited to enjoy the scenery rather than as a museum.

I saw “water lily” here. The “water lily” that is quietly exhibited is very wonderful. A reservation is required to visit the venue. Please enjoy “water lily” with beautiful scenery.

We would like to thank Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Sanso Museum for allowing us to use the images for this post.

The work of Claude Monet “Water Lilies” on the cover is quoted from Google Arts & Culture and is owned by The National Gallery, London.


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