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コストコのヒントで家計を楽にする知られざる方法を発見 Uncovering Unknown Ways to Ease Your Household Budget with Costco Tips


Costco has become a favorite for many families looking to save money on essential items. With a wide selection of products available in bulk and at competitive prices, Costco provides a unique opportunity for strategic shopping that can greatly improve your household budget. This post shares practical tips and tricks to help you make the most of your Costco membership.


Understanding Costco's Membership Value



Before exploring the specifics, it's important to recognize the value of a Costco membership. For a modest annual fee, members gain access to lower prices on a vast array of products, from groceries to home appliances. In 2022, Costco reported that members saved an average of 20% compared to traditional grocery stores on their purchases.

By purchasing high-quality products in larger quantities, members can enjoy significant savings over time.

Costco Store Interior
Inside a Costco store showcasing bulk products


Buying in Bulk: A Double-Edged Sword

コストコで買い物をする最大のメリットの 1 つは、まとめ買いができることです。これにより、お金を節約できるだけでなく、買い物に行く回数を減らすことにも役立ちます。ただし、戦略的な計画が鍵となります。


・保存可能な商品: 缶詰、米、パスタを買いだめします。これらは腐ることなく数か月もつことができます。

・冷凍可能な商品: 冷凍庫で保存できる肉、冷凍フルーツ、野菜を大量に購入することを検討してください。輸入品である冷凍もも肉(特別飼料で飼育された鶏)は、2KGで、1,000円以下で購入することができます。


One of the greatest perks of shopping at Costco is the ability to buy in bulk. Not only can this save money, but it also helps cut down on shopping trips. However, strategic planning is key.

Focus on items that your household frequently uses and that have a long shelf life. Common examples include:

  • Non-perishables: Stock up on canned goods, rice, and pasta, as these can last for months without going bad.

  • Freezable items: Consider buying larger quantities of meats, frozen fruits, and vegetables that you can store in the freezer. For example, buying a 10-pound bag of chicken breast can drop the cost to about $1.99 per pound, compared to $3.99 per pound at local grocery stores.

Effective bulk buying means choosing products your family will use before they expire. This strategy helps prevent waste and maximizes savings.


Seasonal Shopping: Preparing for Holidays and Occasions

コストコは、季節の商品をお得な価格で提供することに優れています。たとえば、感謝祭などの祝日が近づくと、七面鳥の大量購入品が 1 ポンドあたりわずか 0.99 ドルで見つかります。この価格なら、祝日の食事代を大幅に節約できます。


Costco excels at offering seasonal products at excellent prices. For instance, leading up to holidays like Thanksgiving, you can find bulk turkeys for as little as $0.99 per pound—a price that can significantly reduce your overall food bill for the holiday feast.

Plan ahead by marking a calendar with sales events and seasonal purchases, allowing you to spread costs over time. This way, you can enjoy holidays without financial pressure, letting you focus more on the celebrations.


Quality over Quantity: Organic and Healthy Options



・オーガニック農産物: コストコでは、新鮮な果物や野菜を競争力のある価格で購入できます。

・ナッツと種子の卸売り: これらをまとめて購入することで、スナックを楽しむだけでなく、コストを抑えながら料理やベーキングも楽しめます。生アーモンド 2kgの袋は約 2,500円で購入できます。


Costco isn't just about low prices; it also offers a variety of high-quality organic and healthy foods.

Consider these options to maintain healthy eating habits while saving money:

  • Organic produce: Costco allows you to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at competitive prices. For example, a 6-pound bag of organic apples can cost about $5.99.

  • Wholesale nuts and seeds: By purchasing these in bulk, you not only enjoy snacking but also cooking and baking while keeping costs down. A 3-pound bag of raw almonds can be found for around $15.99.

Many shoppers have found these healthy bulk options to drastically cut their grocery bills without sacrificing quality.

クーポンとプロモーション: 節約を最大限に

Coupons and Promotions: Maximizing Your Savings



・毎月のクーポン: コストコは毎月、オンラインと店舗の両方で利用できる割引を掲載したクーポンブックを発行しています。たとえば、洗濯洗剤の 300円引きクーポンとまとめ買いを組み合わせると、大幅な節約になります。

・メーカーのプロモーション: 発生する特定の取引に注目してください。コストコ アプリや店舗のチラシをチェックすると、最新情報を把握するのに役立ちます。


Many Costco members overlook the coupon opportunities available, yet they can significantly enhance savings.

Here’s what to watch for:

  • Monthly coupons: Every month, Costco releases a coupon book with discounts available both online and in-store. For example, combining a $3 off coupon on laundry detergent with bulk buying can result in substantial savings.

  • Manufacturer promotions: Keep an eye on specific deals that arise. Checking the Costco app or store flyers can help you stay in the loop.

Being proactive about coupons and promotions can stretch your budget even further, leading to savings you may have otherwise missed.


Stocking Up on Essentials During Sales




Costco frequently rotates its product offerings and provides sales throughout the year.

If your household regularly uses items such as toilet paper or pet food, stock up when these items go on sale. For example, buying 30 rolls of toilet paper for $19.99 can lead to savings of nearly 30% compared to other stores.

By taking advantage of sale prices on essentials, you can lower your grocery budget and reduce the need for frequent shopping trips.


The Power of the Costco Food Court

コストコで買い物をするときは、フードコートを忘れないでください。ホットドッグのコンボの価格は 180円程度で、1 人あたり 500円以上かかることが多い外食に比べて手頃です。この小さな出費で、コストコを訪れる価値がさらに高まります。


While shopping at Costco, don't forget about the food court. With meals priced around $2.99 for a hot dog combo, this is an affordable option compared to dining out, which often costs $10 or more per person. This small expense can make your visit feel even more worthwhile.

Eating at the food court can also help curb impulse purchases. When you are not hungry while shopping, you are less likely to indulge in extra items that you don't need.

Costco Food Court Menu
Options available at the Costco food court


Smart Shopping for Better Financial Health








By using these Costco strategies effectively, you can ease your household budget and enhance your overall shopping experience.

Consider implementing these key tactics:

  1. Take advantage of bulk buying.

  2. Utilize seasonal shopping to plan ahead.

  3. Don't overlook the benefits of using coupons.

  4. Stock up on essentials during sales.

As you refine your shopping practices, remember to tailor them to your household’s needs. By doing so, you can optimize your budget and enjoy the benefits of smart shopping at Costco, ultimately leading to improved financial well-being.




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