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タレントやユーチューバーも政治家になる時代An era when talent and youtubers also become politicians








July 10, 2022. The House of Councilors election was held. Among them, that talent who was an idol became a common story of a politician. If anything, talents with a slightly taut feeling became popular, and it became more common for consecutive winners and cute and sold idols to take advantage of their popularity to become politicians.

Akemi Matsuno, a marathon player, did not perform so well in the marathon, but if you give a TV commentary on the marathon tournament from a famous runner who won a medal at the Olympics, he is top-notch and good at speaking and speaking, so on TV He appeared on many radio programs. It was very humble and played the role of “busy” in the drama. In the meantime, this time she was elected a politician for the first time. So far, it’s a pattern that sometimes happens.

Among them, when I was looking at the election bulletin, there were various weak political parties who were proportional representatives. There was also a party named Gobo. Among them, there was the NHK Party, and a candidate named Mr. Garcy was elected and made his debut as a politician.

Mr. Garcy, I’m not familiar with it. There was a commentary on YouTuber. Since the appearance was the intention of the person himself, no face photo was shown on the TV, and there was no particular coverage, and the TV commentary passed by.

However, when celebrities took advantage of their prominence and became politicians, the media was dominated by television, radio, and other media outlets, and the Internet was only an assistant. However, Mr. Garcy is a person who was discharged from the Internet.

So, from now on, YouTuber may become a politician more often. Because there are many YouTubers who are more famous than him. It’s still hard to be a YouTuber, but he’s easier than appearing on TV. He can produce himself, and more people will want to be politicians in the future.

To be honest, I couldn’t imagine that YouTuber would become a politician. Internet voting has not been held in Japan yet, and I think that there are many people who want to vote on the Internet, mainly young people, in the future. It is time for the government to think about Internet voting in the future. In fact, the shareholders’ meeting is already held on the Internet. Many things are changing with the times. The world of politics can also change dramatically on the Internet. I want to keep an eye on what will happen in the future.


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