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ダイソーという100円均一のお店はなぜ繁盛するのかWhy is Daiso, a 100 yen shop, so prosperous?













I know the origin of Daiso. Still, during the bubble economy of the 1980s, when luxury goods were selling one after another, Daiso operated mainly by renting open spaces in front of supermarkets. I really loved this store and always looked forward to when it would be open. As you can see from this, Daiso was a very down-to-earth business, so I think it was probably well-run.

The family members around me would always make fun of me, calling me stingy and all sorts of things when they saw me buying things for 100 yen. However, I always use it because it's cheap and it helps. Now, my family uses it more than me.

I didn't use Daiso for a while. It was recently restarted. The reason is that most of the products are manufactured in China and imported, but there are always many products that Disney considers to be in violation of trademark registration, and many products are removed. There were many products. There was no end to the cycle of selling illegal items, being prosecuted, selling them again, and having them removed. So, when I learned about the inside of this Daiso, I stopped buying it.

However, recently when I went to the store, I found a product that was officially licensed with the copyright mark ©️DISNEY, DAISO, so I started using it again.

Daiso carries a variety of products. The stationery store was the first to disappear. Binders and everything else are priced at 100 yen, so cheap stationery, which is in high demand among children, probably sells well.

The store Daiso started out selling out of the blue, but gradually moved its sales locations to vacant stores in poor locations. So, somehow, it was dark, the products were lined up, and it didn't really look like a store. All of the pop-ups at the store were handwritten by the store staff and were designed by amateurs. After decades of work, it has finally been recently cleaned up and in a new location, with printed pop-ups and unmanned cash registers.

Even though a large number of people are using it, new developments are unlikely to occur soon. Moreover, this company is a privately held company. Therefore, I think that they are quite good at cash business, and I think that they have considerable business strength.

This is because being able to form a license agreement with a prestigious company like Disney is not an easy task, as there will probably be a review. It's no longer because we're cheap, but because we're a company that can provide quality products at low prices. 100 yen is quite cheap, but they are officially selling their own products under license. I once again felt that this is a top-notch company.

I think it's amazing that this business owner has succeeded in creating a business model where you can only make a profit if you sell a large number of products for just 100 yen. This is because it is difficult to sell a lot of products without being well known. However, there are no big advertisements, and people flock to Daiso in search of the store.

Additionally, they have started selling online. When you think about how much profit you can make from a 100 yen product, you need to sell a large number of products to make this possible.

There is no doubt that this store, which does not require advertising, has an excellent business model. We are a privately held company that starts small and grows over the years, which is also amazing. Nowadays, there is no Japanese person who does not know about Daiso. Even if you look for a company like this, I don't think you will find it.

#DAISO #License #Business model #Name recognition #100 yen uniform #Unlisted company


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