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[リサイクル家電処分方法]エアコン、テレビ、冷蔵庫、洗濯機、乾燥機の最安値激安処分方法[How to dispose of recycled home appliances] The cheapest and cheapest way to dispose of air conditioners, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers





This time, I will introduce the cheapest and most affordable method for disposing of recycled home appliances that I have actually experienced. If you can do this, it will save you money.

I actually visited the place and learned a lot of things. Normally, when you ask an electronics store to recycle something, they charge you a separate transportation fee. So, if you can transport it yourself, if you use this method, you can dispose of your recycled home appliances at the cheapest price.

First, go to a post office, no matter how small it is.

There will be a booklet there, so you can get information from the manufacturer and the disposal price will change depending on the refrigerator's capacity (expressed as ⚪⚪ liters) since it was a refrigerator in this case, so make sure to take note of it and then go to the post office.









This is the back of the page, but it's a transfer slip, and you can pay the fee at an ATM or at the counter.

There is a transfer fee. It's cheaper to pay at the ATM, but they explained it to me carefully, so I paid the fee at the counter, and it was 203 yen.

In total, it didn't cost 4,000 yen for a 74-liter refrigerator.

Click here to find collection locations nationwide.

Please take a look and dispose of your home appliances under the Home Appliance Recycling Law at the lowest disposal price.

Business hours are irregular, especially in the summer, when it's busy, and electricians are busy because many air conditioners are brought in.

Make sure to check the opening hours before going. I came back because this calendar is irregular. They are closed on Saturdays and open on Sundays, so it changes quite a bit depending on the time of year.

I hope that anyone who is having trouble disposing of their home appliances under the Home Appliance Recycling Law will know about this cheapest and cheapest way to dispose of home appliances.




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