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[銀行と信頼関係がある]ローンの通る方法|銀行でカードローンの相談をして完済した友人 [Trust relationship with bank] the loan passes|A friend who consulted a bank about a card loan and paid it off.























A lot of smartphone apps are coming out all the time. This is because the reduced tax rate applies.

I've tried various apps, but I'm getting tired of them and it's becoming a pain to manage them.

It has a variety of functions, including the ability to accumulate points and keep a household account book.

I think the functionality is very good.

So I think it's outdated if you don't use it at all.

I have restarted app payments.

However, I still place importance on transactions with banks, so I recommend using a bank-affiliated credit card or debit card.

This is because people take out loans for big purchases, such as purchasing a home.

At this time, an “examination” will take place.

I think priority will be given to those who do business with us.

This is because invisible "trust and confidence" is accumulated there.

When I was purchasing a home, I spoke with a sales representative from a real estate company.

At that time, I learned that there are many people who want to buy real estate but cannot get a loan, and at that time, they can only use bank loans with less favorable terms.

I learned the reality that there are many people who cannot get a loan, and many people who want a house but cannot buy it.

Therefore, please build a lot of "trust and trust" through your transactions with banks.

And most importantly, don't lie to the bank.

Let's discuss various things. I'm sure there's some good information there.

This is just my opinion, but if you already have a cash card or want to get another card in the future, I think a debit card is better.

Debit cards are issued by each bank or company, and you don't have to worry about spending more than your remaining balance on the card without using an ATM. You can also use it.

You'll earn points, and you can withdraw local currency at local ATMs even when you're abroad, so it's convenient because you don't have to go through the hassle of exchanging money when traveling overseas.

In the end, it's up to you to decide, but we've introduced a little-known debit card.

A friend of mine was in financial trouble and had a house that had been paid off, so he borrowed money using that as collateral. I advised him on this, but he said he was having a hard time paying high interest rates on card loans. So I thought, why don't I talk to the bank where I took out the mortgage? I gave some advice. Things are going very well, and he has repaid all of his card loans at low interest rates. It is very important to take good care of your transactions with banks. Please use this as a reference for those who are having trouble with card loans. Be honest, don't lie, tell the truth. They will examine it properly.

A friend of mine was in financial trouble and had a house that had been paid off, so he borrowed money using that as collateral.

I advised him on this, but he said he was having a hard time paying high interest rates on card loans.

So I thought, why don't I talk to the bank where I took out the mortgage? I gave some advice.

Things are going very well, and he has repaid all of his card loans at low interest rates.

It is very important to take good care of your transactions with banks.

Please use this as a reference for those who are having trouble with card loans. Be honest, don't lie, tell the truth. They will examine it properly.


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