今回は、私の愛用しているカメラをレビューしてみようと思います。私の愛用しているカメラは、SONY α6400Mです。一眼レフカメラのミラーレスカメラと呼ばれるもので、とても軽いです。
仮に、このレンズだけ、購入すると、SEL18135(E18-135mm,F3.5-5.6 OSS)が、SONYストアで3年保証つきで71,093円します。(2022/03/29現在)
私は、写真を加工する専用のソフトを持っていません。ですから、Apple製品の写真加工のみです。だから、ほとんど、無補正の写真をアップしています。カメラは、重いと非常に持ち歩く回数が、減ります。レンズ1本で、撮影できるのは非常に嬉しいです。今回は、私の愛用しているカメラ、SONY α6400Mの実機のレビューでした。
This time I will review my favorite camera. My favorite camera is the Sony Alpha 6400M. It is called a mirrorless camera of a single-lens reflex camera and is very light.
Most of the photos posted on my blog are taken with this Sony Alpha 6400 M on the cover of the new posts. I am not very good at using a function, which is difficult. But this camera is very easy to use.
The reason I chose a zoom lens is that I miss the shot when I change the lens. Another reason is that if the lens is attached and detached many times, the probability of dust getting mixed in will increase. Just move the aperture of the lens to focus and dust will get mixed in.
The point to cheap buy is to buy a camera with your favorite lens as a set.
If you buy only this lens,SEL18135(E18-135mm,F3.5-5.6 OSS) will cost 71,093 yen with a 3-year warranty at the Sony store.(As of March 29,2022)
This lens also has image stabilization. When you take a close-up shot with a zoom lens, you can take a very close-up shot of the subject.
My impression is that SONY cameras focus more on capturing the subject in a very beautiful way than on faithfully reproducing it. So the color contrast is very clear. SONY, which sells TVs, is particular about colors and does not faithfully reproduce colors, but feels the consciousness of reproducing colors beautifully there.
I don’t have the dedicated software to process photos. So it’s just photo editing for Apple products. That’s why I’m uploading almost uncorrected photos. A heavy camera will greatly reduce the number of times you carry it around. I am very happy to be able to shoot with a single lens. This time was a review of my favorite camera, the SONY Alpha 6400 M.