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[京都土産]京都和菓子隠れた名店|京菓子「亀谷重久」[Kyoto souvenir] Hidden famous Kyoto Japanese sweets store | Kyoto sweets




This time we will introduce a hidden famous store. This is a quiet Kyoto confectionery shop located on the street in front of Myoshinji Temple in Kyoto. This shop has been in business for 220 years, and now the 7th generation is taking over the family business. This Kyoto confectionery store was a gift shop for the imperial family during the Taisho era, and it is said that the emperor gave them linen robes. I asked her where the linen robe was now, but she said it was a secret and she couldn't tell me.

In this way, things that show the connection with Emperor Taisho are displayed in the store.

The famous sweet here is "Kinugasa".


In this way, people involved in Kabuki can also be seen in secret. This time, I received permission to show you the photos, and I am posting them here. Autographs of Kabuki actors are also on display here.


The two items on the left are Kinugasa. The Japanese sweets on the right are ``Omuro''. The main store is the only store here, and you can't get it anywhere else. Only one item, this "Omuro", can be purchased as a souvenir at JR Kyoto Station.


This is how Omuro is sold. A senbei rice cracker made from gluten-free rice topped with yuzu sugar syrup. It is characterized by its gentle sweetness and refreshing scent of yuzu.



He has been certified as a Kyoto Food Meister, certified by the Minister of Labor, and certified as a first-class Japanese confectionery manufacturer, and has received numerous awards from Kyoto Prefecture. After I found this shop, I sometimes go there with my family to buy Japanese sweets whenever I'm nearby.

Myoshinji Temple is near Ninnaji Temple, about a 10 minute walk. This is a Japanese sweets shop that is a purveyor to Ninnaji Temple.


If you order, you can get a variety of Japanese sweets. It's very delicate and beautiful.


The famous confectionery "Kinugasa" is made of soft and moist rakugan (rakugan) dough made by kneading the powdered raw materials with sugar, starch syrup, and mijinko, pressing it into a mold, roasting it, and then drying it naturally. Contains strained candy. White indicates snow and matcha indicates pine. Only Uji matcha is used for matcha. Please enjoy the soft texture that is different from regular Rakugan.

しるこ、くず湯もあります。 Shiruko and Kuzuyu are also available.


It's a small store, so if you have 2-3 people, it will fill up.


``Hokuhoku'' is a baked confectionery made with red bean paste made from Kintoki with its skin wrapped in milk-flavored dough and shaped like a sweet potato. The sweet potato flavor spreads throughout your mouth.





We also have warabi mochi and konpeito.

There is also a yokan.

Bubu Arare's Kinmochito is characterized by Wasanbon and Hojicha. Twisted currant is characterized by brown sugar and ginger.

There are various Japanese sweets. This is a very famous restaurant of mine, and I believe that the best I can do is to let as many people as possible know about it, so I introduced it to you.






Kameya Shigehisa (Closed on Thursdays)

In front of the north gate of Myoshinji Temple, Ichijo-dori, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

Phone (+81) Japan (075)461-7365

Please be careful not to dial the wrong number.

This time, we introduced some hidden gems in Kyoto. If you are interested, please give it a try. Please note that the store is small.


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