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京都清水寺観光旅行とお茶Kyoto Kiyomizu-dera sightseeing trip and tea.


There is “Kiyomizu Temple” in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto. The head temple of the Northern Hosso sect. There is a steep slope to get here. There are many buildings related to “Kiyomizu-dera” (the photo on the cover is one of them) and many shops.


Many people buy souvenirs there. “Kiyomizu-dera” is a place where various wishes come true. In particular, it is famous for being able to get along with men and women by saying “matchmaking”. Therefore, when I went there, there were many couples wearing kimono. I hope I can get married. When I was thinking, a couple took a commemorative photo with their smartphone. It is “Kiyomizu-dera” with a soft atmosphere. Besides, various wishes will come true. “Promotion”. Anyway, if you are a couple, it is recommended that you go to Kiyomizu-dera, which has a gorgeous atmosphere, with a kimono. When you climb the slope, you will see the gate of “Kiyomizu-dera”.

この階段を登っていくと As you climb this stairs

三重塔があります。There is a triple tower.


I’m surprised that there is a building in such a high place.


In front of the corridor, there is a place to ask for “promotion”.


Here, we pray for “marriage” couples to get married.


This is the view from the stage of Kiyomizu. And on the left, you can see the Okunoin called “Okunosentedou”.


And the “Stage of Kiyomizu no butai” in the main hall


It is registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site. Saigoku 33 Kannon Sacred Ground 16th Fudasho. Once in a fire, this main hall, The Stage of Kiyomizu, was built in 1633. The stage is made of Japanese cypress, the best wood in Japan. The pillars are zelkova and are 13 meters high. The stage of Kiyomizu-dera has the saying, “Jump off the stage of Kiyomizu.” This means, “Don’t be afraid to die and decide to do something big.”


I will go down the hill. Autumn leaves will be beautiful here.


“Otowa Waterfall” A waterfall that fulfills three wishes. If you greedily do two or three, your wish will not come true. I pray for your wishes as one.


The “Stage of Kiyomizu” looks like this when viewed from below. It is a wooden building built on a steep slope.


There is a teahouse on the way. The precincts are large, so you can take a rest.

池もありました。There was also a pond.


Then, enjoy yourself at Kiyomizuzaka. I bought a souvenir. This was given a name. I was a dishwasher user, so the price wasn’t too high. Fine chopsticks are painted, hand-washed and need to be dried immediately. I also have chopsticks with my name engraved on them. There are various types of chopsticks. Hexagonal chopsticks are good for dexterous people. However, the name is not engraved.


In the meantime, when I went out of the shop, I found one shop with nobody!






This is a shop that sells Uji tea directly from the production area. See the taste with green tea ice cream. It was very delicious.

This is Yamashiro Uji-Cha Tahara Tea Producing Area Direct Sales Store “Fujiya Chaho” 2-chome, Kiyomizu, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto. Phone 075-541-8710.

I always bought the tea of Uji tea appraiser 7th dan. The highest rank is 10 steps. There are only 39 tea appraisers nationwide.

Returning to the story, this is a direct sales shop in the production area, so it was a very reasonable price. We also sold tea utensils. Kyusu was also a full-fledged one, and if you bought it at a department store, it would be several times more expensive, but it was sold at a low price. There were other tea utensils. This is a recommended shop.

Here, I bought tea for everyday use. There are various needs, so there was also super-luxury tea. I took the picture with the consent of the shop staff.


Sencha 100g, 27,000 yen. Since it is sencha, it is hot water at 100 ° C.


Gyokuro 100g, 27,000 yen. This is because the temperature of hot water drops for gyokuro, which is high-class. It is between 40 ℃ and -60 ℃. The higher the quality, the lower the temperature. Then, slowly extract the tea. There were still some high-class ones.


This is gyokuro 100g, 32,400 yen. Don’t be surprised by this.


Gyokuro 100g, 54,000 yen.


It is a reasonable price because it is a direct sales shop in the production area. The world of tea is endlessly deep. Expensive tea seems to sell from time to time. It seems to be popular with people from overseas.








I didn’t really want to tell you, but I would like to introduce the tea I bought. Gyokuro, powdered tea. The powdered tea that comes out when making gyokuro tea is called powdered tea. This is powdery, so tea will be served immediately.

So, put a small amount in a tea strainer and the tea will come out immediately. But change frequently. That’s why I usually use it.

Perhaps a restaurant or something like that might serve this kind of tea. I think. (Imagination)

This is the first time I’ve seen high-quality tea sold in this way. Then I gave it to my parents. Very happy and thank you for such a fine tea. They said. He also added how to make tea.

This is the first time I’ve seen high-quality tea sold in this way. Then I gave it to my parents. Very happy and thank you for such a fine tea. They said. He also added how to make tea.

This tea was a whopping200g, 1,300 yen. Freshness is important, so please consume as soon as possible after opening. Oh, what should I do if it’s sold out … Well, it was a tea story full of information.

He also gave me a print of how to make tea. Thank you very much.

This time, we talked about a sightseeing trip to Kyoto, information about Kiyomizu-dera Temple, and tea.


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