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人材不足は教育現場とのギャップにある|問題解決能力を高めるために必要なことThe lack of human resources is due to a gap with the educationa

































I once attended a gathering of PTA officers at a public elementary school. A forum was established to consider and discuss issues related to morality. I learned about the moral philosophy that is the basis of Japanese education.

This time, I would like to write about this.

Children and parents were walking together. There is a large puddle in front of you. The child is wearing clothes for going out. Now, as a parent, what do you do? The question was posed. We received several responses, and we aggregated the responses based on that sample.

Well, what would you do? ...There were many questions.

According to the Japanese standards of morality, answering in this way was considered the correct answer. "Because the clothes are important, I hold the child's hand and walk past them, avoiding puddles."

My thoughts didn't fit any of the questions, so I answered "Other."

Now, is the answer that is considered the correct answer really correct in terms of moral education?

I have very doubts. My other answers were like this. ``Let your child know that there is a puddle. Then let them think about it.''

No one at the venue gave such an answer. It is true that you should avoid staining your precious clothes. However, when you go out into the world, you realize that there are some situations that cannot be labeled as bad.

In Japan, there are no guns, so the only weapon used is a kitchen knife.

It is a crime to hurt someone with a knife. However, there have been cases where when a person was about to be stabbed with a knife, the knife was taken away by force and the person stabbed the other person with the knife.

This is a matter that has often been disputed in court, but even if someone did the same thing, they stabbed the other person with a kitchen knife in order to protect themselves, so this would be called "self-defense" and the sentence would be reduced. now.

The next issue that was often disputed in court was where the knife was obtained. If you found the person you stabbed with the knife, obtained it, and then stabbed the person with the knife, the sentence was reduced as the crime was not premeditated but impulsive.

If the knife had been prepared in advance, the punishment would have been severe, as it would have been considered a premeditated crime.

Even when the same crime occurs, there are many different patterns, and the punishment for stabbing someone with a knife is different depending on the circumstances.

Therefore, even if things are similar, the judgment will differ depending on the situation.

In this way, this issue has been debated in court in the past in Japan.

Now, back to the original topic, is it really a good answer for a moral lesson to teach children, ``Because clothes are important, hold your child's hand and avoid puddles as you walk past them''? It becomes a problem.

Don't do bad things. In other words, this is an education that does not even allow for self-defense. It's true that you shouldn't do this, but society is complex, and you will encounter it in a variety of situations.

At times like these, I think the ability to think is very important. However, from my past experience, this meeting made me realize that Japanese education is very rigid, and it is a very difficult environment for children who are even slightly substandard.

It is probably still operating without much change. For better or for worse, national character does not change that rapidly. There are bad parts, but there are also good parts. I wrote it before.

These are the reasons why I think the theory of sexual evil is correct | People succumb to temptation

No one is perfect, so it is important to cooperate and accept each other's weaknesses, as we are both not perfect.

However, in this era where global development is required, self-solving ability is essential.Always solving even small problems on your own, and accumulating them, will lead to... I think that over many years, it makes a big difference in how much problem-solving ability one can develop.

I feel that in Japan's uniform education, it is difficult to acquire such problem-solving skills.

My upbringing was a little different from Japanese education, so my children are very unique. Raising a child takes many years, and the answer lies far away. Therefore, it is difficult to find the correct answer.

However, in Japan today, companies are actively seeking problem-solving skills. Therefore, it is clear that there is a shortage of such human resources, and I have always felt that this is an essential subject that must be improved in the educational field.

I'm just an individual, but I still have no regrets about how I raised my children.

I was criticized by my public school teachers, but I am glad that I went to a private school and was able to grow up in my own way.

They have many different personalities, so please create an environment that allows them to develop their personalities. There are no answers when it comes to raising children.

If there is, it will be in the far future.

This time, I wrote about moral education and child-rearing in Japan.

Thank you for reading to the end.




日本の教育の現状と問題点 戦後、GHQの指導の中、学制改革が行われ、6・3・3・4制(小学校6年、中学校3年、高等学校3年、大学4年)が導入されました。 1947年アメリカの学習指導要領は、Course of Study...


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