ありがたきもの舅(シュウト)にほめらるる婿(ムコ)。また、姑(シュウトメ)に思はるる嫁の君。毛のよく抜くるしろがねの毛抜き。主(シュウ)そしらぬ従者(ズキ)。つゆの癖(クセ)なき。かたち、心、ありさますぐれ、世に経(フ)るほど、いささかのきずなき。同じ所に住む人の、かたみに恥ぢかはし、いささかの隙(ヒマ)なく用意したりと思ふが、つひに見えぬこそ、かたけれ。物語、集(シュウ)など書き写すに本に墨(スミ)つけぬ。よき草子(ソウシ)などは、いみじう心して書けど、かならずこそきたなげになるめれ。男女(オトコオンナ)をばいはじ、女どちも、契(チギリ)深くて語らふ人の、末(スエ)までなかよき人かたし。 ありがたきもの 枕草子第72段
Arigatakimono Shuto ni homerareru Muko. Mata syuutome ni omowaruru yome no Kimi. Ke no yokunukuru sirogane no kenuki. Stu sosiranu zuki. Tuyu no Kuse Naki. Katachi Kokoro Arisama sugure yo ni furuhodo isasaka no kizunaki. Onaji tokoro ni sumu hito no katami ni hajikawasi isasaka no hima naku youisitari to omou ga tuini mienu koso katakere. Monogatari syuu nado kakiutusu ni hon ni suni tukenu. Yoki sousi nado ha inijyuu kokoro site kake do kanarazu koso kitanageni naru mere. Otoko Onna wo baihaji onnnadoti mo tigiri fukakute katarau hito no sue made nakayoki hito katasi. (Arigatakimono Makuranosoushi dai 72 dan.)
Almost nothing. A son-in-law who is praised by his father. Also, a bride who is kind to her mother-in-law. Silver tweezers that allow hair to come off well. A person who shares a husband who does not speak badly about the owner of the house. A person who has no habit like water vapor.
A person who has a good appearance, heart, and status, and who has no mental damage to the extent that he spends the world.
Even if I live in the same palace, I’ve never seen anything that I can get along with each other in the past, even if I’m embarrassed to get along with each other in that way and make sure that there is no gap. rare.
When transcribing a story or songbook, do not add ink to the original book. I write great binding books with great care, but they always get dirty.
I don’t dare say about the relationship between men and women, even if they are women, even if they make a deep promise to get along with each other, there are few people who are close to each other until they die.
wrap up
A familiar person. People who share the same family and home. A person who serves at work. Relationship between men and women. Relationship with best friend. These rarely work. It’s rare that such relationships go smoothly, like things and things.
Relationships write that it is difficult. People’s hearts have been and are still difficult. Therefore, people are worried. It also appears in such a classic. Relationships are very difficult. If you think that you are not the only one who is worried, it may be a little easier.