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会社の存在の意義を知る。Know the significance of the existence of a company.











「会社は、公器(コウキ、みんなの受け皿だという意味)だ。」と、もう、お亡くなりになった、日本の会社経営の神様と言われた、Panasonic 創業者の松下幸之助のことばがあります。





リーダーになる人に知っておいてほしいこと What you need to know as a leader(Book, Japanese)

I would like to write about the difficulty of managing a company and its significance.

Because it is very hard to make “history” in an organization.

You can see that by looking back on the past. The times have a flow.

It is very difficult to survive while “changing” to a business that fits the changing “era”.

In such a situation, how to “adapt” is required.

Every company is the same. A company with a 100-year history is wonderful.

In that era, the times are being “innovated” at an accelerating pace.

It is very difficult how to perceive the needs quickly and change the business.

In Japan, there is a company called Fuji Film.

There was a film company in the United States called Kodak.

Although it is a “company” of the same business, there is no longer a company called “Kodak”.

It was a very good company that developed instant photos.

“Fuji Film” is a manufacturer from film to medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

In this way, it still remains as a “company”.

A company called Pioneer dared to sell its music-related technology to other companies, and took a large turn in the coming era to specialize in car-related services such as car navigation, but failed.

Thus, it is very difficult to read ahead of the times.

On top of that, it is risk and back to develop new business.

“The company is a public organ (Kouki, meaning everyone’s saucer),” says Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic, who has died and is said to be the god of business management in Japan.

If the “company” goes bankrupt, many employees are in trouble.

Please, managers, there are a lot of issues and I think it is tough, but please do your best to become a better “society”.

“The company is a public organ (Koki)”.

This time, I wrote about the purpose of the company.


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