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初心者におすすめ一眼レフカメラ。Recommended single-lens reflex for beginners .

今回は、普通モードでの接写、初心者やサブ機に欲しい一眼レフ、ミラーレスカメラのCanon EOS Mシリーズのお話です。私は、入門機として、EOS M3を購入しました。しかし、通常とは、違うレンズシリーズを購入しました。それは、EOS M3 EF-15-45mm IS STM レンズキットです。

初めの頃の写真は、EOS M3で撮影されました。非常に小さな蜂でしたが、レンズが15-45mmなので、非常に繊細に撮影できています。

This time,I will talk about the Canon EOS M series of single-lens reflex mirrorless cameras that beginners in normal mode and want for sub-cameras. I bought the EOS M3 as an introductory camera. However, I bought an unusual lens series. It’s an EOS M3 EF-15-45mm IS STM lens kit.

This photo was taken with the EOS M3. It was a very small bee, but the lens is 15-45mm, so I can shoot very delicately.


ズームレンズだとかなり、接写には、非常に個性が出ますし、更に接写を可能にするためにあえて、15mm-のレンズを選びました。私が、初めてミラーレスカメラを購入したのは、このEOS M3でした。非常に軽いのが特徴です。





非常に細やかな作りで、とても入門機としてもまた、サブ機としても、持ち歩きのできるCanon M3 は、今も現役です。


私は、常に2台持っており、このCanon Mシリーズは、手放せない存在です。ズームレンズだけでは、非常に描写が難しい時があるからです。ぜひ、Canon Mシリーズも良いですので、並行して持つのに優れています。

今回は、私の愛用しているCanon M3の紹介でした。

If you have a camera for the first time, I want to stick to the lens. I chose 15-45mm and seems to be the correct answer.

With zoom, the close-up shot is very unique, and I chose a lens 15-45mm to enable close-up shots. It was this EOS M3 that I bought my first mirrorless camera. It is very light.

Although the shutter speed is slow, it is very convenient for shooting small objects such as indoors. As a camera maker, we are working from the front to faithfully project the shooting scenery.

I once received Canon support for this camera because it got dusty. I was very kind and I was very happy to replace the parts and make it look like new. The repair price was very hight.

After all it is not recommended to replace the lens.

But it’s very compact and you can put a peephole on the bed and it’s light.

The Canon M3 is still in active use because it is very detailed and can be carried around as both an introductory camera and a sub camera.

Canon has another good point, and even if it is a cheap model, you can get a great sense of security.

I always have two cameras, and I can’t let go of my favorite Canon M series. This is because sometimes it is very difficult to describe with a zoom lens alone. The Canon M series is also good, so it’s excellent to keep in parallel.

This time, I introduced my favorite Canon M3.


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