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国力と信用は、法治国家の義務になる。National power and credit are the obligations of the governing nation.


















Now people are running out of things. Until now, there were films and photographs of various events such as the growth of children. However, they are destroyed when their owner dies. However, in my growth record, even the things that my parents cherished are easily thrown away.

Such a thing has become a daily occurrence. That’s why people didn’t even have the various events as things, but left them in the cloud, so on the Internet. Not to mention photographic film, SD cards are no longer needed unless you are a photographic enthusiast.

Have you ever wondered what will happen to that huge amount of data? The Japanese government is thinking about what to do with intangible intellectual property. Yes, the data of the Japanese people is managed by a limited number of companies. Sometimes it becomes a problem, called antitrust law.

But things are gone, and people even entrust their personal data. It has no borders anymore. Exclusive data stands there.

Now, that cloud-based data hasn’t been around for so long. Therefore, it does not become such a problem. However, when personal data lies there and accumulates, it creates statistics and various values.

People easily let go of them in exchange for convenience. It’s a trend of the times, and it’s been on the Internet all the time. We are faced with an era in which things are gone and things are surely centralized as data, and it is proceeding in an unknown way.

It is already that Japan digitizes the people. Even if you refuse it, it can’t be helped. The reason is that some companies have their personal data, letting go of it, cloud-based it, and so on. Therefore, managing the information of the people is the most basic thing to manage the data of the people of the country.

Therefore, Japanese people should be happy to provide this. By doing so, you have the right to own the data. The country of Japan recommends obligations, but does not tell us the rights. Therefore, you should study the Civil Code well.

It doesn’t matter if it’s old, so I think it’s better to have the complete book of the Six Codes. Because this is a book with rights written on it. Since Japan is an island country, anyway, such a thing has become a “sexual good theory”. In fact, you can often live that way.

But what I felt through the internet is that people can easily do bad things if they can’t see or shape. So I have far more bad memories than good memories by the internet. Therefore, I am convinced that the essence of people is “sexual misconception.”

That’s why, yes, I feel that the world of the Internet is governed, and more and more nations need to patrol, legally discover bad things, and judge them.

It is now problematic, although a limited number of companies are run by governance. Because people resent the sale of personal data to the country.

Therefore, the current Internet society is immature, and even if it is bad, it is left unattended unless it is too bad. In other words, the lawless zone is the society of the Internet. From now on, there will be more opportunities to think about how to manage huge amounts of data.

But sometimes power goes wild. From now on, “trust” will be the most important in the international community. This is because it is “intangible”. In front of the data called the Internet, it is judged internationally whether the country is suitable for operation, and whether it can be examined and operate a huge amount of data in view of the past history of the country. Will be done.

It is expected that such an institution will be established and various countries will participate in it. Therefore, from now on, the size of the land is not the national power, but the “credit”, and the data will be collected and the data will control the national power.

So, instead of fighting for things anymore, this is a battle for “data”. Therefore, invisible “credit” is important. From now on, “credit” that gives us the right to handle “data” will be the national power.

From now on, it will be the “right” to gain the “trust” of people and to operate the “data”, not the thing. The beginning of such an era in which justice is operated by “credit” is about to come.










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