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学問のすすめ「人が平等であるために必要なのは勉強」3Recommendation of learning “Study is necessary for people to be equa



















There is a word that every Japanese person knows in “Recommendation of learning”. “Heaven does not make a man above a man, nor a man under a man.” This book begins with this word. There is a chapter in it, “People are equal.”

It says: Now, if you compare people to people, it’s not the same. There are rich people, poor people, and people in various positions. I’m not saying that. It starts with.

That equality refers to “Kenritsuugi”. This cherishes people’s lives. Protect your status and property. To protect the honor of the world. It is not allowed to treat any small thing lightly.

The mind and body that have been given life from heaven must be cherished.

It is important to treat any rich money, even a small amount of money that can only buy small sweets, with equal care.

There are bad sayings in the world, such as “I can’t beat a crying child and power.” “Parents and masters say no.” Some argue for such mistakes. However, although the status is different, anyone who hurts as a person hurts. So, no matter what your status, don’t take it lightly.

“Himpkyojak”, that is, the poor, the rich, the strong, the weak. This is the state of the people. The power of violence, the power of politics and the people. There are various powers, but it is important to treat them equally.

It is the government’s natural duty to protect the people by law. You cannot discriminate on the amount you can afford to pay taxes. No matter what your status, they are always equal. So don’t forget that they are all of the same value.

It is the people who enact and obey the law for the people.

Even if the law is inconvenient for one person, it must not move the law until reform.

It is the people’s job to protect this. It’s important to do so, but I can’t read without studying. I don’t even know the moral reason. The habits I have are eating, drinking, sleeping and getting up. Even though he is illiterate, he is greedy and tricks people in front of him to skillfully escape government law. I don’t know what the national law says. I don’t know what my job role is. Even if I give birth to many children, I don’t know how to educate them.

In short, if such an idiot who is not ashamed to lose his honor in the world and does not know the law has many children, it will not be in the national interest. The one who makes the country worse.

It is not moral to deal with these idiots.

This isn’t what you want, but you have to do it with force, even if you lose a lot for a short period of time. That is why there is a violent government in the world. There is also a dictatorship.

National violence Government is not necessarily government violence. The fact is that the people are illiterate, that is, they have no wisdom. Then the government becomes unhappy.

Some are manipulated by others to plan assassinations, others misunderstand new laws and demonstrate, others make excuses to file proceedings and steal rich money. The situation is not what humans do. No prince has a good suggestion. Anyway, it is necessary to carry out very strict politics here.

Therefore, say this. If the people want to avoid a violent government, they should be willing to study and develop their talents, intelligence and morals as soon as possible. Then, it will be in the same position as the government. This is the idea that I (Yukichi Fukuzawa) recommends as the purpose of the study.

In this way, the government, that is, the country, states that in order for the country to improve, if the people’s scholarship spreads equally, the country will stabilize and develop. This is very important as a country. With good people, it becomes a good government, the country develops and stabilizes, which states that violence is not necessary. It’s a very important and very favorite chapter, so it’s a long sentence, but thank you for reading it.












日本の教育の現状と問題点 戦後、GHQの指導の中、学制改革が行われ、6・3・3・4制(小学校6年、中学校3年、高等学校3年、大学4年)が導入されました。 1947年アメリカの学習指導要領は、Course of Study...


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