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孫子の兵法を読む⑧Read Sun Tzu’s military method ⑧





















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The army that arrives on the battlefield earlier than the enemy and is waiting for the enemy can afford it. The army that goes to the battlefield later than the enemy and fights is tired. Therefore, the army that fights well moves the enemy freely, and our army does not move as the enemy thinks.

Therefore, what is good about war is that you always have the power to move the war and control the enemy at your will, and your army will not be moved by the enemy’s tricks. The enemy doesn’t move as easily as you think, so the enemy pretends to be profitable and guides you. The opposite is also true.

In other words, the enemy may come by acting differently from our military operation. At that time, the enemy misunderstands and makes him think that something bad will happen, and makes him think that the enemy will not come. If the enemy has enough room, make a plan and get tired of it, and if the enemy has a lot of food without worrying about it, get it so that it will be difficult to get food. Cut off the way to do it.

If the enemy is stable, make a plan, move your mind, and invade where the enemy is likely to come first. Then, since our army is ahead of the enemy, we can move the enemy freely. In the distance, to wage war is to plan when there are no enemies first.

By all means, to win in a war is to plan and deploy in advance when the enemy has not yet defended. To be sure to defend and win, it is necessary to protect the place where the enemy is hard to attack. In other words, to attack successfully is to prevent the enemy from deciding where to protect. It’s so advantageous that you can’t say it in form or in words.

In other words, you can control as much as you can decide the victory or defeat of the enemy. It is the masquerading and factual military planning that frees our military planning and controls the enemy. Therefore, when our army attacks, if the enemy cannot defend, we will attack when the enemy is alert. When our army escapes, it means to escape in an orderly and quick manner so as not to be chased by the enemy.

When our army goes to war, no matter how the enemy defends, let the enemy go to war. The strategy is for the enemy to attack a place that cannot be left untouched. Then, the enemy will surely come out and go to war. When our army does not want to go to war, we plan to prevent the enemy from attacking, even if the defense is not sufficient. The plan is good if you occupy a place that the enemy did not expect. The enemy will not attack suddenly.

War is strong in changing its shape like water. Therefore, I try not to change the shape of the enemy, and I change the shape freely like water. In such a system, our army gathers power, and the enemy cannot gather power. If our army gathers power in one and the enemy disperses power in 10, we can win. In other words, it’s 1/10 to 1.

Therefore, if you disperse, the enemy cannot exert enough power and can win. There are many enemies, but there is a chance of winning. This is because the dispersed power has less power to deal with. Also, if our army comes out of the enemy’s carelessness, we cannot determine where the enemy will be attacked.

If you can’t judge, you can spread your power to various places and defend yourself. Then the enemy will disperse more and more power, and then the number of soldiers in our army will be small. Therefore, the enemy defends in all directions, front, back, left, and right, and it becomes impossible to defend in that direction as well.

So military power is not the number of soldiers. Do you have the power to lead the war here? If you have the power to wage the war, it does not depend on your military power. Therefore, the reason why our army is weak is that we do not know the enemy’s plan, so we have to disperse our power and defend. Our army has a lot of power because it hides our plan from the enemy, obscures it, and distributes and defends it.

So, no matter how far away the war, if you investigate everything and plan, you can beat the enemy. On the contrary, without investigation and planning, the army cannot freely fight, lose, and even more so, the expedition cannot win. Therefore, just because we have a lot of military power does not mean that our army cannot win because we have a small amount of military power. In other words, winning the war is not a matter of course, it plans, investigates, prepares, and those troops win.

Even if the enemy has a lot of force, it is possible to prevent the war. Therefore, there is a way of war depending on the enemy, not on the strength of the army.

① Investigate, make a plan, and calculate.

② Guide the enemy and decide whether to move immediately or not. Then, start the war and make a system.

③ When the forces collide in the war, prepare a system for where to place the soldiers.

④ The most important thing in war is to take a form that changes freely like water. Then, the enemy does not know the plan, and this cannot be seen by any good person. Our army cannot deal with free change if we know the state of the enemy, even if the enemy has a lot of military power. So, although our army has won, no one knows the plan.

⑤ There is no same plan because war changes freely like water.

⑥ War avoids high places like water and changes freely. Therefore, do not go to the perfect defense and aim for the enemy’s carelessness. Water is free. Also, as an apprentice, the war changes according to the changes of the enemy. That’s how you win.

⑦ There is no fixed strategy in the war. There is no fixed shape for water. It’s great to change and win according to the enemy. Water is like nature.












日本の教育の現状と問題点 戦後、GHQの指導の中、学制改革が行われ、6・3・3・4制(小学校6年、中学校3年、高等学校3年、大学4年)が導入されました。 1947年アメリカの学習指導要領は、Course of Study...


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