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孫子の兵法を読む11Read Sun Tzu’s Military Art 11














































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⑴ ❶ Mountain. When you have an army and fight against an enemy, when you cross a mountain, go to a valley, and face south, and a high place is good. This is because morale rises. High places are advantageous. Don’t climb from here. Invite and give.

❷ Water. The river moves away from it. And when the enemy crosses the river, he attacks during that time. War away from the riverside. The riverside is also high and the south side is good.

❸ Wetlands. You should leave as soon as possible. When we go to war, we trample the aquatic plants, prevent the water, and put the trees on our backs to take advantage of the war.

❹ Flat land. Flat, highlands on the right and back. In order to fight, the terrain that is hard to be attacked is on the back, and the one that is easy to attack is in front. When escaping, make the terrain advantageous for maintaining morale.

These four are the methods of terrain warfare. The army is better in the south than in the high places and the gloomy places in the north. Maintaining morale in this way will ensure that the army wins.

The hills and embankments should be on the right side and on the south side. Even if you want to cross the river, if it rains, you have to wait.

① There is a depression in the middle, where water is flowing ② Where the surroundings are dented ③ Where the surroundings are dented and only one side is open ④ Where the grass is thick ⑤ Where it is low ⑥ Where there are depressions here and there

Be sure to leave ①-⑥ immediately and do not approach such places. If our army withdraws far from ①-⑥, the enemy will approach ①-⑥ and our army will take advantage of its unfavorable terrain. If the enemy does not approach the unfavorable terrain of ①-⑥, this will give the enemy an advantage.

If our army has difficult lands, water ditches, natural pits, forests, trees, or grass on its side, we will quickly explore such places. This is the place where soldiers are lurking.

⑵ The reason why the enemy is nearby but does nothing is because he is waiting for the world (political power).

If you are far away but want to go to war, you want the other person to come forward.

Where the place is simple, there is a profit.

Many things happen when the enemy comes.

When there are many unpleasant things, it is better to doubt if something happens.

The bird takes off when the enemy is hiding and trying to greet him.

When a beast moves in amazement, it is when the enemy is trying to overturn the momentum of its army.

Dust is soaring high and piercing when an enemy car arrives.

If the dust is low and wide, pawns will come.

When it spreads scattered and the enemy attacks, it lights a fire with firewood.

It is the enemy army that lives by reducing the number of soldiers and going back and forth.

If the enemy’s words seem to respect our army up, it means that the enemy is willing to attack by preparing and trying to gain an advantage.

When the words of the enemy do not respect our army and do not hesitate, it does not seem to advance strongly. In other words, it is a signal to retreat.

First of all, lightly, the enemy army comes out, and the one next to the enemy army’s car is trying to make it a position.

There is a bad strategy for the enemy to ask to be together without making a promise.

Requesting soldiers and cars here and there is preparing.

Going a little and turning back a little is trying to provoke a war.

I rely on something and manage to surpass it because I am hungry and have no food.

Taking things up and doing them right away is because you “want” them. That is, my throat is dry. (Water shortage)

It’s hard to keep going even though you know the profits.

It is empty for birds to gather. In other words, it’s not good to get together. It has been removed.

It’s scary to call at night. In other words, the enemy is so scary.

The army is disturbed because the commander of the army is not suitable for his status.

The flag moves turbulently because the enemy is turbulent and out of command.

The messenger gets angry because he hates it. That is, the enemy is tired.

It is the enemy army that has no food that kills horses that are important to the army and feeds them.

It’s pretty hard to leave food utensils in place and not put them back.

The reason why he speaks loudly, sometimes familiarly, and sometimes cherishes the people is because the commander has lost power.

Sometimes I give out prize money because the leader is in trouble.

The reason for the various punishments is that the leader is in trouble.

The reason why you violence first and scare the people later is because you are not playing your part.

The enemy comes and says something comfortable because he wants to rest.

Be sure to observe very carefully and see through the plan that the enemy soldiers are angry and come towards you, do nothing, and do not even leave the place.

(3) There are so many soldiers, but it is not good. It is not good to command soldiers indiscriminately. Therefore, in order to work together to plan and confront the enemy, it is necessary to capture the hearts of soldiers. In other words, without such consideration, leaders who deal with enemies in a planned manner will surely be captivated by the hearts of soldiers.

That is, if you punish the soldier when you are still uncertain, it will not submit. It’s hard to use because you don’t submit. So, even after catching the heart of a soldier, if you do not punish it, it is difficult for the soldier to use.

Therefore, to order a soldier, “sentence, bun”, that is, with a culture, order. And, to use it well, it is done by “bu, bu”, that is, polite and power. It is important to do this without fail. When things are done politely, if you educate the people, this will be followed by the people. If you do not understand the etiquette and “educate” the people, the people will not obey. If you are polite and believe, you will develop with the people.












日本の教育の現状と問題点 戦後、GHQの指導の中、学制改革が行われ、6・3・3・4制(小学校6年、中学校3年、高等学校3年、大学4年)が導入されました。 1947年アメリカの学習指導要領は、Course of Study...


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