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孫子の兵法を読む12Read Sun Tzu’s Military Art 12






















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There are six types of terrain.

① A “road” where you can go back and forth. This form is first on a hill, and if it is a way of transporting food, making a profit, and fighting, this is an advantage.

② It is called “Katsura” that is easy to go and difficult to return. This form is to get out and beat the enemy if the enemy is not guarded. If the enemy is guarded, it cannot win even if it advances. Therefore, it is difficult to return, so it is disadvantageous.

③ It is called “support” that there is no profit even if our army comes out or the other party comes out. Don’t go out, even if your enemies pretend to be in your army’s favor. It would be profitable if the enemy’s army, which came out a little, turned back immediately, and invited them in that way, cut off the road and attack the enemy when it came out about halfway.

④ “Narrow” If there are no enemies there and our army is there, be sure to enrich and wait for the enemies. If the enemy is there, it can’t be a war. If the enemy is not fulfilling, you can go to war.

⑤ For “steep” things, if there are no enemies there, our army will always be in the high, sunny south, and then wait for the enemies. If the enemy is there, don’t withdraw, leave it, and fight.

⑥ If the momentum of “far” things is equal, it is difficult to challenge, so there is no profit in the war.

These six kinds of things are the reason of “earth”. It is the mission of the leader to determine this. Don’t be observing this. That is, you have to.

Therefore, there are six types of soldiers. These six species are not disasters such as natural disasters, but disasters that occur due to the mistakes of leaders.

❶ “Run”. When the momentum is even, it means to disperse the power and attack 10 even though there is only 1.

❷ “Loose” means that the subordinates are strong and the executives are weak.

❸ “Fall” when executives are strong and subordinates are weak.

❹ If an important executive encounters an enemy army without being angry and obedient, he will not reflect on himself, resent himself for his fault, and fight himself, and the leader is that important. “Collapse” what is left to the executives without knowing their abilities.

❺ If the leader is weak, not strict, and does not educate, there is no distinction between executives and subordinates, and he becomes the head of a soldier and behaves arbitrarily.

❻ The leader is weak, he has no ability to know the enemy’s ability, he has little power, but he has great power, he attacks the strong person even though he is weak, and there is no excellent soldier. “North”.

It makes sense to lose these six things. The mission of the leader is here. It must not be unobservable. In other words, being able to observe is important.

It’s terrain helps soldiers. Observing the enemy, achieving victory, and planning according to the terrain makes sense to become a senior leader. Those who know this and wage war will surely win, and those who do not know this and wage war will definitely lose.

Therefore, the reason for war is that if the prince always wins, even if the prince stops fighting, it is always possible, that is, possible, and an understanding will be obtained later. If you are aware that the reason for war is to win, the monarch always orders you to go to war, and it is possible to say the same. In other words, if you win, it is the same “OK” for the prince. Therefore, it is a national treasure to those who do not seek to be famous, advance the war, retreat, avoid sin, but just cherish the people and make profits princes.

Taking care of his subordinates is like a child who can’t do anything. Therefore, he should be assigned to a deep valley with his subordinates. Taking care of his subordinates is like a beloved child. So you should die with your subordinates. It is incompetent to use it with warmth. To love and command is incompetent, which cannot be used as a soldier if it is disordered and unhealed, that is, if it becomes an object of affection for oneself.

It is on the way to victory to know that our troops have to attack and cannot attack the enemy. Knowing that you have to attack the enemy, knowing that my subordinates will not attack, so grasping the situation (terrain), making a plan, not fighting is in the middle of winning is. Therefore, those who know the soldiers will not be in distress if they move and advance the soldiers of the war without hesitation.

Therefore, say this. If you know your opponent and you know yourself, you win. That is, there is nothing dangerous. If you know the situation (terrain) and know the situation in more detail, that is, the heavens (weather), you will win. That is, all wins.












日本の教育の現状と問題点 戦後、GHQの指導の中、学制改革が行われ、6・3・3・4制(小学校6年、中学校3年、高等学校3年、大学4年)が導入されました。 1947年アメリカの学習指導要領は、Course of Study...


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