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孫子の兵法を読む13Read Sun Tzu’s Military Art 13
































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There are nine ways to use soldiers.

①It is “scattered” that the leader of his own country fights.

② “Light land” that invades another person’s country and it is light.

③It is a “dispute” that my profit is generated and the other party is also profitable.

④ It is a “crossing place” that we go and the other party comes in the same way.

⑤ “Kuchi” means that if the leader of your own country gets involved in the land and leaves it as it is, you can get the people of politics at the same time.

⑥ Invasion of other countries is deep and invades an important part of the land, which is “heavy land” in the middle of the invasion.

⑦ Mountains, forests, rugged lands, rugged water lands, and roads that are very difficult to reach are called “Ichi”.

⑧ Therefore, the place to enter is narrow, and when returning, it is a “enclosure” that the small army of the other party and my people mix and attack there.

⑨ If you fight early, you can stay there, and if you don’t fight early, you will be destroyed.“Shiti”(dead place)

Because of this, the “scattered land” must not be at war. “Light land” must not stop the war. Don’t attack the “conflict”. The “intersection” does not cut off the advance. “Achi” is for exchanges. “Heavy ground” is lightly washed away. “Ichi” goes. The “enclosure” plots. The “dead place(shichi)” is at war.

It has been said for a long time that those who use soldiers well disturb the enemy person well. Disturb the front and back, disturb the abundance and smallness of the people, disturb the abundance and abundance of money, disturb the top and bottom of the position, separate from the subordinates, disturb without gathering, Even if you gather soldiers, it doesn’t work and disturbs you. Move in line with your profits, and stop if you don’t. I dare to ask a question. A colony of enemies is in place and tries to head for the leader. What do you think of waiting for such a thing? The answer is, first of all, if you take away the place where you have love (important place), it will be your obedience. The situation for war soldiers is that they are fast, anyway. Using the other party’s inability as an excuse, and adding more, he attacks the other party’s unsuspecting place with a plan that the other party cannot think of.

In general, in order to deeply invade another country as a guest, if you dedicate and cherish it, you will win over the people of that country. How the plan is, by grabbing the food fields of the other country, graciously graciously, building up energy and strength without using effort, deploying troops here and there to plan plots. If you can do what you can or cannot measure, and put your army wherever the army goes, you will not run away even if you die. Death drives it. I will do my best until the soldiers and people are exhausted. If a soldier is in a tight spot, he is not afraid of death. If you don’t have a place to go, keep it tight, if you go deeper, you will restrain it, and if you can’t get it, you will fight.

For this reason, the soldier, change without study, get without asking, get close without promise, believe without order. There is no doubt that various things are forbidden, and there is no doubt until the death of life.

My soldiers do not hate surplus property. Having no extra life (short-lived) means that you don’t hate joy. On the day the order was issued, the soldier’s men sat down with tears, wet their collars, lay down on the floor, and tears on their cheeks. As a soldier with no escape, it will be a hero like Shokei (the country of Lu).

Therefore, for those who use soldiers well, this is like a snake that is always in the mountains. If you shoot its neck, it echoes to the tail, if you shoot its tail, it echoes to your neck, and if you shoot in the middle, it echoes to your neck, tail. “Tsuneyama’s snake” I dare to ask a question. Can a soldier be like that snake? The answer is possible.

That is indicated by the “proverb” of “Wuyue Doshu, Goetsudousho”, which is a bad friend. People from the country of Wu and people from the country of Yue are not on good terms, but if they ride on the same boat and encounter the swaying wind of the boat they go to, they will save each other and balance with their left and right hands. In this way, even if you equip horses here and there and fill the circle, you still do not give up because it is not enough. It is political reason to equalize all courage and make it one thing. Therefore, those who use soldiers well are commanded to work together as if they were using one person. This drives you to do so.

The leader of the army thinks as if he is deeply imprisoned, carries the positive, governs the world, and with his ability, he sloppyly grasps what his subordinates and executives have seen and heard, and thus deepens his knowledge. It is important to have, judge that, reform the plot, have deep knowledge as a human being, judge its position, bypass its use, and consider human beings.

If you become like a “master” who spreads your teachings, even if you climb high and take the ladder away, you will not give up on getting off and enter the area of many leaders in your own country deeply with the “master”. When you take that opportunity, it’s enormous to know where to conquer, like burning a boat, breaking a kettle, squeezing a flock of sheep, and squeezing.

In general, if the reason for attacking another country is to invade it deeply, it will be dedicated, and if the invasion is shallow, that is, it will disperse. Leaving the country, crossing the border, and becoming a battle teacher is “absolute.” The one that leads to all four sides is the “Kuchi”. The deep invasion is “heavy land”. If the invasion is shallow, it will be “light land”. With a hard mountain in the back, the narrow front is the “enclosure”. There is no place to go, it is a “dead place”.

For this reason, in “scattered land,” we must unite our aspirations. “In the light land, we must remember that intention and not be invaded by the opponent. In the” conflict area “, we will attack after the opponent. We must carefully protect the “intersection” from being attacked by the other party. In the “Kuchi”, we make the bond with the other party friendly and solidify. We must keep the food of our army on the “heavy land”. In “Ichi”, we must break the defense of the other party and proceed. In the “enclosure”, we find a small gate in the gap between the opponent’s attacks, advance there, and proceed while attacking. We must keep in mind that in the “dead place”, we can only exist by attacking.

Therefore, the judgment of the situation of the soldier follows the leader if he is surrounded, that is, if he prevents the condition and if he cannot help it, that is, fights, and if the opponent approaches, that is, he follows the leader.

Thus, those who do not know the plots of the leaders of the country are incapable of interacting. Forests, rugged areas, rugged areas in swamps, those who do not know this shape are incapable of leading the army. If you make the place your hometown and do not use someone who can guide you, you will not have the ability to benefit from the place. Even one of these measures (climbing to 45), which cannot be understood, cannot be said to be a hegemonic soldier.

Even if you try to attack the soldiers of the country that holds the hegemony, that is, the enemy does not gather. If the nation that holds the hegemony exerts dignity on the enemy nation, the enemy nations cannot mix and unite.

In this way, the exchange of nations by politics does not contend with us, and the dignity of the nation becomes stronger without the enemy taking away the power of politics. Therefore, it is possible to attack the base of the enemy’s country or defeat the enemy’s country.

If you give the award of the principle of law, raise the political decree, and win the hearts of the people, it will be united, not a small army group. In other words, it becomes an agile, keen and elite army. Its operation is not in words, but invading is a benefit, and how it invades is harmful, so it should not be put into words.

Soldiers exist even in difficult places called “dead places”, and they are thrown into “dead places (shichi)”. That way, then live. That’s how you acquire the ability to win.

For this reason, on the day of the political dispute, the “sekisho” was closed, the sekisho pass was abandoned, the messenger was not used, the diplomacy was broken, and the politics was planned and conspired. If the enemy opens the country, he will invade the enemy. The important point that becomes the weak point, that is, the weak point is suppressed first, and with that as a trigger, a war is started toward the enemy according to the strategy.

Therefore, at first, like a virgin, it opens the door to the enemy. Later, like a rabbit, it couldn’t even block the enemy. (At first, it behaves as if it doesn’t know anything, and shows the enemy defenseless. After that, it runs away like an agile rabbit, and it seems that there is no way to prevent it even if the enemy is in a hurry.)












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