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家計を楽にするコストコの時短食材で生活をシンプルに Costco's time-saving ingredients that make your household budget easier to Simplify Your Life


In the whirlwind of everyday responsibilities, from zoom meetings to helping with homework, finding time to cook can feel impossible. Fortunately, Costco offers a solution in the form of quick food (time-saving ingredients) that can help ease your cooking woes. This post will dive into how stocking these ingredients can save you precious time in the kitchen and support your household budget.


The Appeal of Costco's quick food


たとえば、適切な時間節約アイテムをパントリーに置いておけば、食事の準備時間を最大 50% 短縮できます。さらに、まとめ買いは大幅な節約につながります。多くの家族が、コストコで時間節約アイテムを購入すると、食料品の支出が最大 30% 削減されると報告しています。

Costco stands out because of its bulk buying options, making it a go-to for busy families.Quick food is designed to speed up meal preparation without sacrificing taste or nutrition. These ingredients help minimize the time you spend cooking, allowing for more moments with your loved ones.

For instance, with the right time-saving items in your pantry, you could cut your meal prep time by up to 50%. Additionally, buying bulk can lead to impressive savings—many families report spending up to 30% less on groceries when buying time-saving items at Costco.


Popular quick food to Consider

1. 冷凍野菜


1. Frozen Vegetables

Frozen vegetables are a must-have for any budget-friendly kitchen. Costco offers an array of frozen mixes, such as stir-fry blends and mixed vegetables. These are pre-washed and chopped, requiring almost no additional effort.

Colorful frozen vegetables
Pre-portioned frozen vegetables ready to use in quick meals.

冷凍野菜は便利なだけでなく、栄養価も維持されています。たとえば、研究によると、冷凍野菜には新鮮な野菜と同量のビタミンやミネラルが含まれています。冷凍野菜を調理済みの鶏肉と一緒に炒め物にすれば、20 分以内に完全な食事が完成します。

Besides being convenient, frozen vegetables maintain their nutritional quality. For example, studies show they contain just as many vitamins and minerals as fresh ones. You can easily toss these into a stir-fry with pre-cooked chicken and serve a complete meal in less than 20 minutes.

2. 調理済みタンパク質

コストコのロティサリーチキンやグリルチキンストリップなど、調理済みタンパク質の豊富な品揃えで、時間とエネルギーを節約できます。たとえば、ロティサリーチキンはサラダ、サンドイッチ、パスタに使用できます。温めて盛り付けるのに約 5 分しかかかりません。

これにより、調理プロセスがスピードアップするだけでなく、後片付けの手間も軽減されるため、忙しい家庭にとってメリットがあります。多くの家庭では、これらのタンパク質は用途が広く、さまざまなサイドディッシュと組み合わせることができ、1 週間を通してさまざまな食事を楽しむことができます。

2. Pre-Cooked Proteins

With Costco's impressive selection of pre-cooked proteins, including rotisserie chicken and grilled chicken strips, you will save time and energy. For instance, a rotisserie chicken can be used in salads, sandwiches, or pasta. It only takes about 5 minutes to heat up and serve.

This not only speeds up your cooking process but also reduces the clean-up mess, which is a win for busy households. Many families find these proteins so versatile that they can mix and match them with different sides, leading to varied meals throughout the week.

3. 調理が簡単な穀物

キヌア、米、クスクスなどの穀物は、多くの食事の基礎となります。コストコでは、わずか 15 分で調理できる調理オプションを提供しています。たとえば、インスタント玄米は最適です。重要な栄養素と繊維が含まれています。

調理済みのタンパク質と冷凍野菜を組み合わせれば、1 食あたり約 450円で満足できる食事を作ることができます。これは、1 食あたり 1,500円を簡単に超える平均的なテイクアウトのコストと比較すると、大幅な節約になります。

3. Quick-Cooking Grains

Grains like quinoa, rice, and couscous form the foundation of many meals. Costco offers quick-cooking options that are ready in just 15 minutes. For example, instant brown rice is perfect; it provides vital nutrients and fiber.

When paired with pre-cooked proteins and frozen vegetables, you can create a filling meal that costs around $3 per serving. This is a substantial savings compared to average takeout costs, which can easily exceed $10 per meal.

4. 便利なソースと調味料

おいしい食事には風味が欠かせません。コストコでは、さまざまな便利なソースと調味料を取り揃えています。照り焼きソースやスパイス ブレンドなどのアイテムは、最小限の手間で料理に楽しいパンチを加えることができます。

これらを手元にストックしておけば、簡単な材料でおいしい食事を作ることができる手軽なソースを作ることができます。これらのソースの 1 つをお好みのタンパク質や穀物に加えるだけで、満足できる自家製料理を楽しめます。

4. Convenience Sauces and Seasonings

Flavor is essential for an enjoyable meal, and Costco has you covered with a range of convenience sauces and seasonings. Items like teriyaki sauces and spice blends can add a delightful punch to your dishes with minimal effort.

By stocking these on hand, you can create quick sauces that turn simple ingredients into delicious meals. Just add one of these sauces to your choice of protein and grains, and you are ready to enjoy a homemade dish that satisfies.

5. ミールキット



5. Meal Kits

Costco occasionally features meal kits complete with pre-measured ingredients and straightforward instructions. These kits simplify cooking while exposing you to new recipes from various cuisines.

Investing in these kits not only saves time but also helps you explore flavors you've never tried. This encourages a diverse diet and makes weeknight dinners exciting without the hassle of complicated recipes.

ファーストフードを利用することによる予算上のメリットBudget Benefits of Using quick food

コストコで手軽な食事を選ぶことは、単に便利というだけではありません。家計に大きな影響を与えます。まとめ買いすると、1 品あたりの価格が安くなり、大幅な節約につながります。

さらに、手軽で便利な食事の選択肢がすぐに手に入ると、テイクアウトを注文する誘惑が減ります。調査によると、家庭で料理をする頻度を増やすだけで、平均して毎月 23,000円節約できるそうです。

Opting for quick food from Costco goes beyond just convenience; it can significantly impact your household budget. By buying in bulk, you often enjoy a lower price per unit, translating into substantial savings.

Moreover, when quick and convenient meal options are readily available, the temptation to order takeout diminishes. Studies show that families can save an average of $150 each month simply by cooking at home more often.


Meal Planning Made Easy


これらの時間を節約できる食品を使った食事の計画に、毎週数時間費やすことを検討してください。この戦略は、平日のストレスを軽減するだけでなく、食品の無駄も減らします。平均して、食事計画を立てると食料品の出費を最大 25% 削減できます。

Incorporating quick food into your weekly meal planning can take a load off your grocery shopping routine. By focusing on versatile ingredients, you can craft diverse meals without constantly refreshing your grocery list.

Consider dedicating a couple of hours each week to plan meals that utilize these time-saving foods. This strategy not only cuts down on weekday stress but also reduces food waste. On average, meal planning can decrease your grocery expenses by up to 25%.


Embracing Simplicity in Cooking




The fast-paced demands of today's lifestyle leave little room for extensive meal preparation. By embracing quick food from Costco, you can achieve a balance between ease and nutrition. Stocking your pantry with frozen vegetables, pre-cooked proteins, quick-cooking grains, and flavorful sauces streamlines your cooking efforts.

Not only does this strategy simplify your meal routine, but it also has the potential to save a notable amount of money, making household budgeting less challenging. As you discover more of Costco's time-saving ingredients, you'll likely find that you can maintain a healthy diet while enjoying quality family time.

Take that step toward a more manageable kitchen experience and see how Costco's time-saving ingredients that make your household budget easier can transform your cooking life!




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