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日本は曖昧の文化古典から読み解く。Japan interprets from the cultural classics of ambiguity.


















The famous first stage. If you’re a Japanese, it’s a major part.

Spring is Akebono. The hills that are finally getting darker are a little lighter, and the purple clouds flutter down.

There is nothing. It is a spring scene.

However, when I actually live in Japan, this scene is indescribably reminiscent of spring in Japan. However, when I actually live in Japan, this scene is also Japanese culture.

Most of the spring sky in Japan is always cloudy. That’s why I’m strongly attracted to the word “purple standing clouds”. Because this is the spring sky in Japan. In Japan, the westerly wind just passes from China in spring. China has a large river called the Yellow River. The Yellow River scatters small yellow sands. Then, in China, it soars like dust like a photochemical smock. It is spring when the sand of the Yellow River rides on the westerly wind and reaches Japan. Therefore, like thin clouds, it is always cloudy in spring and the cherry blossoms do not look like beautiful pink. In the cloudy sky mixed with purple clouds, the sunrise and cherry blossoms are dimly reflected. Yes, spring in Japan is always cloudy. Therefore, the beauty of the “purple standing clouds” is that the cherry blossoms and the morning sun are vaguely reflected in the light by the yellow sand. Indeed, the vague and beautiful scene is beautiful.

Therefore, even if Japanese cherry blossoms are transplanted overseas, the beauty of “Japanese cherry blossoms” can only be seen here in Japan. This culture, which finds beauty from this vague appearance, perfectly expresses Japan’s temperament and ambiguity. In other words, by interacting with each other, we discover new beauty. It has a great deal of ambiguity. Ambiguity also leads to Japanese “wa”. It accepts a lot of things, but it mixes and finds beauty in it.

I get support for this blog in English chat. However, English always requires the subject “I” and “you”.

However, in Japanese, if the subject is stated, the “beauty” of Japanese sentences will be spoiled. This is a culture in which we do not write in advance what we understand each other in the text. This may seem ambiguous when viewed from overseas. However, by omitting “what we know each other”, the text becomes non-standard, which produces beautiful text with a lot of variety.

If you dare to omit it, you can compose sentences with various beauty. Therefore, Japanese culture has ambiguity in that sense as well.

Ambiguity is, at worst, loose, and at best, forgiving. This is the most basic thing in Japanese culture. Loose is bad, but it is also “forgiving kindness” to each other, and morality is very important for this in Japan.

Confucianism is a moral that values ​​older people and values ​​people. Japan has a long cultural connection with China and is learning a lot. This Confucian religion is also a Confucius teaching and is from China. Korea does not use kanji, but Japan carefully uses kanji that came from China. As you can see, there is a great deal of cultural and regional connection.

This ambiguity of Japan is unique to Japan, even though the starting point is China. Because the syntax is the same for both Chinese and English. Therefore, YES and NO are very clear. However, in terms of sentence structure, Japan and South Korea have the same syntax. So, if you don’t listen to the sentence to the end, you won’t know YES or NO.

Comparing the cultures of various countries in this way, Japan accepts and develops the cultures of many countries. This is because Japan was able to develop in this way only because of the beauty and ambiguity of Japanese culture.

This time, I explained Japanese culture and ambiguity from the classic Pillow Soshi. It is important for you to get to know Japanese culture, and this is the nature of Japan, and to interact with various cultures.

Because Japan made Katakana characters when it embraced Western culture. Therefore, I think that you can understand that there are various cultures in Japanese by studying Japanese language.

Japan is not very good at making claims, but it has a culture that can be tolerated. Nowadays, there are many factors of international instability, but Japan has a culture of deep interaction with various countries, though I do not insist.

I would be very happy if a world view that allows us to interact deeply with each other, deepen mutual understanding, and develop each other, rather than repel each other, spreads around the world. I sincerely hope that Japanese culture and ambiguity will spread to the world.




日本の教育の現状と問題点 戦後、GHQの指導の中、学制改革が行われ、6・3・3・4制(小学校6年、中学校3年、高等学校3年、大学4年)が導入されました。 1947年アメリカの学習指導要領は、Course of Study...


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