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日本料理の買い物の仕方と魚料理|自宅で節約料理のススメHow to shop for Japanese food and fish dishes | Recommendations for econo





This time, I'll be talking about how to save money on cooking and shopping wisely.

Recently, there has been a rise in prices, and the prices of many things continue to rise. In the process, I will write about how delicious and inexpensive recipes are, as well as what I do.

On the weekends, I go to a store where even the chefs come to buy things. The important thing here is that if you can't cook fish, there's no point in talking about it. That's why, in addition to the cooking method, a well-maintained knife is also important.

I have my knives professionally sharpened. The sharpness is excellent, and as soon as I use it, I wash it, wipe off the moisture, and store it to prevent it from rusting. I also have stainless steel knives professionally sharpened, but they are no match for steel knives.


ingredients and cooking


fried sardine


When I go shopping, I often buy sardines, which are common fish. This fish is a kanji that means weak to fish. Therefore, it quickly loses its freshness. I will cook it as soon as I buy it. It costs about 198 yen for 10 fish, and I buy 2 packs of this to fry the fish. Fried sardines are not readily available in supermarkets. It's very cheap and economical, so I recommend it.


Thai dance grill


Next, value the season. The spring fish is sea bream. The other day, I bought two Renko sea bream, about 25cm in size. Cook this and remove the internal organs and scales. I made a Thai dance grill using skewers.





Season with salt, skewer and toothpick, spread out the fillet, and wrap in aluminum foil to prevent the fillet from burning. Also, salt the fish and bake it in the oven.

It looks very luxurious. If you have any leftovers, you can freeze them as they are, since the internal organs have been removed, and when you want to eat them, just skewer them and season with salt. The other day, I found two red sea bream that were about 30 cm in size, so I grilled them and gave them to them as presents.

Also, I had a red sea bream that was about 38 cm in size and could be made into sashimi, so I made it into sashimi.

I cut the head of the Thai cod in half, cut the backbone into pieces with a knife, and freeze it with the intention of making it into Thai stew.


Thai stew


As expected, most supermarkets sell filleted fish. In this way, you can eat fresh fish at a very low price by cooking it yourself.




This is Kinmedai. It is a higher quality fish than red sea bream. These were about 23cm long, but I bought 3 of them. If you order this at a restaurant and eat it, it will be quite expensive.

It's nice to be able to eat delicious, luxurious, fresh food at home. Even men can cook fish dishes. That's why fish dishes are dishes that you can make at home with the freshness and variety that you can't easily get at a restaurant. It takes a lot of time and effort, so when I go shopping, I cook all kinds of fish in one day, so I get tired and spend the next day relaxing.

It may take some time and effort, but once you learn how to cook fish, it will last a lifetime, so whether you are a man or a woman, please do your best to learn it. It is very important to take good care of your knife, so please keep it sharp at all times.


Boiled bamboo shoots with bonito flavor


During this season, there are also bamboo shoots.




Boiled bamboo shoots have no fiber and are not tasty. Be sure to remove the dirt from raw bamboo shoots with bran or rice water. It's not difficult. Once it boils in a pressure cooker, you can leave it alone. Next, add flavor to the bonito stock, soy sauce, and mirin.

Spring brings with it a variety of ingredients. Sea bream is very auspicious for various celebrations.

Please learn how to prepare fish and enjoy a luxurious time while saving money and making various dishes at home.



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