盛山正仁文部科学相が2021年の衆院選で世界平和統一家庭連合(旧統一教会)の友好団体から推薦状を受け取り、団体が選挙支援をしていたと複数の関係者が朝日新聞の取材に証言した。 推薦状には、世界平和連合会長の梶栗正義氏の名前が記載されていた。梶栗氏は、19年に当時自民政調会長だった岸田文雄首相が元米下院議長と面談した際に同席していた、教団側の渉外活動の責任者的な立場の人物だ。 2024年2月6日朝日新聞、朝刊第1面、第25面
This time, I would like to take a look at the morning edition of February 6, 2024, the Asahi Shimbun article.
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Masahito Moriyama received a letter of recommendation from a friendly group of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (formerly the Unification Church) for the 2021 House of Representatives election, and multiple officials testified to the Asahi Shimbun that the group provided election support. did.
The name of Masayoshi Kajikuri, chairman of the World Peace Federation, was included in the letter of recommendation. Mr. Kajikuri was present in 2019 when Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, then chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party, met with the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and is in a position similar to the person in charge of the cult's external relations activities.
February 6, 2024 Asahi Shimbun, morning edition page 1, page 25
After reading this article in detail, I believe that politics is a combination of money and power.
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is also a religious organization and is basically a tax-exempt organization. They solicit large donations from believers, which leaves a very bad impression on me. However, Masahito Moriyama skillfully used the religion's money and human resources.
It is not particularly strange that religion is involved in elections. However, the religion involved was not good.
When I was a transfer worker in Gifu Prefecture, the nursery school my child attended was run by a temple. Therefore, the temple's chief priest ran for office in the city council. Parents of children at daycare centers who supported the campaign were mobilized by election campaigners and called their homes to express their support. On top of that, I remember campaign cars circling around my house. This is a common pattern.
However, this Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is an organization that exploits money to the extent that it destroys the families of its members. The pattern was that he used those connections to engage in external relations activities, used them only for election activities, and then was discarded.
The newspaper says ``Testimony from a person involved.''
However, in the newspaper pages, the faces of those involved have been blurred and edited, and only Masahito Moriyama appears in the photo. It seems like he can't show his face to the world.
Indeed, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification did so much to support the congressman. There will be anger. But he had a lot of ulterior motives, and it wasn't about clean money.
Even if this kind of thing is widely publicized in Japan, no one will sympathize with it. In fact, it was no surprise that they had been cut off, and in retrospect, the Liberal Democratic Party's arrogance in taking full advantage of this situation must have made it all the more refreshing.
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification has a bad reputation in the world.
They probably wanted to get something in return for supporting the Liberal Democratic Party in elections. This kind of dirty relationship is a world of ``eat or not be eaten.'' In the end, even though I was dissatisfied with all that I had done for him, I was looking for something in return.
This is a common occurrence in this dirty world.
Therefore, the essence of things is missing. So, all I can say is dissatisfaction.
The symbol of this is the photograph on the front page of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. In other words, they cannot show their faces openly.
In the world of politics, there is a need for the ability to take in both the turbulent and the murky. Fish cannot live in a clean river. Politics requires money, and if it's dirty money, it's all the better for a good drink.
I feel very sorry for the families who have family members in the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification who are unhappy, and my heart aches. There have been many incidents, and to be honest, I have mixed feelings when I think that if I hadn't done this, things would have remained dark. After many sacrifices, this problem has finally come to the fore.
Religion is a teaching for happiness, and it is something that makes people happy. When a believer becomes unhappy, it becomes defined as not a religion but a group that speaks a religion.
We encourage you to come out publicly and testify.
I could only hear this as dissatisfaction. This is how I felt about this article on ``testimonies from people involved.''