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[米国大統領選挙]2024年共和党トランプ氏が当選確実|メディアで別れる報道[US Presidential Election] Republican Donald Trump certain to win in 2024 | Media reports divided















Trump is the next US president

The United States is certainly divided. Looking at the Japanese news, the Democratic Party has already won seven battleground states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Despite having already won many states, FOX News reported early on that the Democratic Party had been declared the winner, but it seems that ABC has finally reported on the election after a long delay.

In general, the two candidates were close in the preliminary polls, so why did Trump win like this?

Now, California, which dominates the world, is always Democratic as usual. I am always watching the election campaign, paying close attention to the trends in California.

It is true that many of the states are in decline, but US tech companies are making profits that exceed the extraordinary national budget.

The American people, who are filled with a sense of stagnation, probably placed their hopes in Trump. It is clear that a divided society is enjoying huge benefits only to a select few, and if this becomes a multi-ethnic nation, it will become even more unequal. It is believed that Trump's future policies, which have embraced many of the poor, will be directed toward other countries. However, since the division is occurring within the country, I think it is preferable to resolve this within the country.

This is because there are countries such as China that are now gaining power. Stimulating this will worsen the world situation and have various effects. Therefore, it is important to resolve this division over inequality within the country. It may become troublesome.

My elderly mother suddenly muttered that China is going to become the world's key currency next. I had no answer to this.

In Japan and the West, when major financial institutions and companies go bankrupt, the government always bails them out. In other words, large companies do not go bankrupt. This is socialism. A powerless people is capitalism.

In China, large companies have also gone bankrupt and the country is now in a recession. This is democracy. I don't know if this state of affairs will continue forever, so I can't say for sure. But there is certainly no leadership, and no elections.

The world is complicated.

Japan and the United States have a deep relationship. I hope that this good relationship will continue. This is true of any country.

These days, I've been thinking about a lot of different things.


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