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結婚発表。プリンセス眞子「心の病」に優しい心遣いMarriage announcement. Princess Mako “Mental illness” -friendly















On October 26, 2021, a press conference for the marriage of Princess Mako was held from 14:00 Japan time. It was very simple, and it read aloud the manuscript prepared in advance for about 10 minutes.

In addition, the reporter’s question was very unacceptable to the two, so I handed it to the representative of the reporter who came to cover the answer document. This may have happened as a result of struggling with the mass media to get married.

The most impressive thing was that Mako announced her “mental illness” along with her marriage report. Mako’s warm words were attached to it.

“I pray for a society that protects my heart and continues to live.” I was very impressed. This word is a word I would like to share with you. It is a word that you can feel the personality of Mako.

In support of Mako, Kei Komuro is in a studio in New York, USA, and the two begin their marriage. For three years, the two spent without ever meeting.

There are many handicap.

A reserve, slightly over 100 million yen, is usually paid to leave the imperial family. She declined this. No wedding was held. This is unprecedented.

Freedom is equal, so it’s happy that anyone can get married regardless of their status. This is very important and everyone is equal. This is a very important thing in their lives.

They are very modern.

Then, the imperial family becomes a big milestone. The emperor of Reiwa is a girl. The emperor’s younger brother, Akishinomiya, has two girls and one boy.

The Japanese imperial family, which has inherited the male throne, has “one” male. Therefore, there was a lot of discussion about admitting females. However, Mako leaves the imperial register. So admitting exceptions is also relevant to the imperial tradition.

Some people may find it nonsense, such as “male” or “female” in this era. Many countries allow women.

From now on, I would like to watch the Japanese imperial family quietly and warmly.

As the times change drastically, I feel that the imperial family is at a major turning point.




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