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自宅にランニングマシンを置くメリット|20分歩くだけで健康が保てるAdvantages of having a treadmill at home | Just walking for 20 minutes can keep you healthy




有酸素運動の促進: 20分の歩行は、軽度の有酸素運動となります。心拍数が上昇し、酸素摂取量が増えることで、心肺機能が改善されます。有酸素運動は心血管の健康促進や体脂肪の燃焼に効果的です。

エネルギー消費と体重管理: 歩行はエネルギーを消費するため、20分の歩行によってカロリーを消費することができます。体重管理や脂肪燃焼に寄与することがあります。ただし、具体的な消費カロリーは個人の体重や歩行の速度によって異なります。

筋力の向上: 歩行は下半身の筋肉を使います。20分の歩行によって、脚部の筋力や筋持久力が向上することがあります。特に坂道や階段を利用するなど、負荷を加えるような歩行を行うと効果的です。

骨密度の向上: 歩行は軽度の負荷を骨にかけるため、骨密度の維持や改善に寄与します。特に高齢者や骨密度低下のリスクがある人にとって、20分の歩行は骨の健康維持に役立ちます。

心理的なリラックス効果: 自然の風景や環境に触れながらの歩行は、リラックス効果があります。ストレスの軽減や心の安定につながることがあります。



便利さとアクセスの容易さ: 自宅にランニングマシンを置くことで、いつでも自分の都合に合わせてトレーニングができます。天候や時間の制約に左右されず、自宅の快適な環境でランニングができるため、外出する必要がなくなります。

プライバシーの確保: 自宅のプライバシーの中でランニングマシンを利用することで、他の人の目を気にせず自分のペースでトレーニングができます。特に自己意識が強い人やジムなどの公共の場で運動するのが苦手な人にとっては、自宅でのトレーニングはストレスを軽減することができます。

一貫したトレーニングの継続: 自宅にランニングマシンがあれば、外出しなくても毎日のトレーニングを一貫して継続しやすくなります。雨や寒さなどの気候条件に左右されず、継続的な運動習慣を築くことができます。

多機能性とカスタマイズ性: ランニングマシンには様々な機能が備わっており、速度や斜度の調整、トレーニングプログラムの設定などが可能です。自宅のランニングマシンを使うことで、自分の目標やフィットネスレベルに合わせてトレーニングをカスタマイズすることができます。

家族やパートナーとの共有: 自宅にランニングマシンがあれば、家族やパートナーと一緒に運動を楽しむこともできます。一緒にトレーニングすることでモチベーションを高め合い、健康的な生活を家族やパートナーと共有することができます。








騒音吸収マットの使用: ランニングマシンの下に騒音吸収マットを敷くことで、振動の伝播や騒音を軽減することができます。このマットは衝撃を吸収し、床への振動の伝播を減らす効果があります。

ゴム製の振動吸収パッドの使用: ランニングマシンの足部分や床との接触部分にゴム製の振動吸収パッドを使用することで、振動を軽減することができます。これにより、振動が床に伝わりにくくなります。

安定した台座の確保: ランニングマシンを安定した台座やフロアに設置することが重要です。床が不安定な場合は、振動や騒音が増加する可能性があります。必要に応じて、床の補強やランニングマシンを安定させるための専用の台座を使用することも考慮してください。

隔音対策: ランニングマシンの設置場所を壁や隣接する部屋から遠ざけることで、騒音の問題を軽減することができます。また、壁や天井に隔音材を取り付けることで、騒音の伝播を抑えることもできます。

使用時間の制限: 特に夜間や早朝など、騒音が周囲に与える影響が大きい時間帯では、ランニングマシンの使用時間を制限することも検討してください。周囲の人々や隣人との配慮を忘れずに行動することが重要です。

メンテナンスの実施: ランニングマシンの定期的なメンテナンスを行うことで、適切な機能と静音性を維持することができます。必要な場合は、メーカーの指示に従って部品の交換や潤滑剤の塗布などを行ってください。








I have a treadmill at home. I bought it with corona benefits. I was told that if you buy a good product, it will last a lifetime, so I use it while undergoing maintenance. I bought it for about 130,000 yen at the time. The price does not include soundproof mats. Then, the doctor advised me to walk lightly for 20 minutes in a normal style.

So, let's look into the effects of walking for 20 minutes.

Walking for 20 minutes has the following effects:

Promotes aerobic exercise: 20 minutes of walking provides mild aerobic exercise. Your heart rate increases and your oxygen intake improves, improving your cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic exercise is effective for promoting cardiovascular health and burning body fat.

Energy consumption and weight management: Walking uses energy, so 20 minutes of walking can burn calories. It may contribute to weight management and fat burning. However, the specific calories burned will vary depending on the individual's weight and walking speed.

Improving muscle strength: Walking uses the muscles in your lower body. Walking for 20 minutes can improve leg strength and muscular endurance. It is especially effective to walk in a way that adds stress, such as walking up hills or stairs.

Improves bone density: Walking places a mild load on bones, which helps maintain and improve bone density. A 20-minute walk can help maintain bone health, especially for older adults and people at risk for bone density loss.

Psychologically relaxing effect: Walking while experiencing the natural scenery and environment has a relaxing effect. It may lead to stress reduction and mental stability.

I'm taking a break for now, but I'm thinking of starting again. If this keeps me healthy, I'll be happy.

So, I looked into the benefits of having a treadmill at home.

Convenience and accessibility: Having a treadmill at home allows you to train whenever it suits you. You can run in the comfort of your own home, regardless of weather or time constraints, eliminating the need to go out.

Privacy: By using a treadmill in the privacy of your own home, you can train at your own pace without worrying about other people watching. Working out at home can reduce stress, especially for people who are self-conscious or don't like exercising in public places like gyms.

Consistent training: Having a treadmill at home makes it easier to maintain a consistent daily workout without leaving the house. You can build a continuous exercise habit regardless of weather conditions such as rain or cold.

Versatility and customization: Treadmills come with a variety of features, including the ability to adjust speed and incline, set training programs, and more. Using your home treadmill allows you to customize your workout to suit your goals and fitness level.

Share with your family or partner: If you have a treadmill at home, you can enjoy exercising with your family or partner. By training together, you can increase each other's motivation and share a healthy lifestyle with your family or partner.

However, there are some things to consider when installing a treadmill at home. These include space availability, proper maintenance, and noise and vibration issues. Also, you don't get to enjoy the scenery and nature as much as you can when running outdoors.

Using a treadmill at home depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle, so it's important to consider your own needs and constraints when deciding.

I agree. There are certainly many good things about it, but some people may be bothered by sound issues.

I asked a maintenance person, and it seems that many people in apartment buildings are very concerned about noise and are installing more soundproof mats than necessary.

In fact, I once saw a notice on the bulletin board in an apartment building asking people to refrain from coming in late at night.

Fitness is so ubiquitous these days that it sometimes feels like every home has more equipment than you might imagine.

So, I tried to find out how to solve this sound problem.

Use a noise-absorbing mat: Placing a noise-absorbing mat under your treadmill can reduce vibration propagation and noise. This mat is effective in absorbing shock and reducing the transmission of vibrations to the floor.

Use rubber vibration-absorbing pads: You can reduce vibrations by using rubber vibration-absorbing pads on the feet of your treadmill and where they come into contact with the floor. This makes it difficult for vibrations to be transmitted to the floor.

Ensure a stable base: It is important to place your treadmill on a stable base or floor. Unstable floors can increase vibration and noise. If necessary, consider reinforcing the floor or using a special pedestal to stabilize the treadmill.

Noise protection: You can reduce noise problems by moving your treadmill away from walls and adjacent rooms. You can also reduce noise propagation by installing soundproofing materials on walls and ceilings.

Limit the amount of time you use your treadmill: Consider limiting the number of hours you use your treadmill, especially during times when noise is more likely to affect your surroundings, such as at night or early in the morning. It is important to remember to be considerate of the people around you and your neighbors.

Perform maintenance: Performing regular maintenance on your treadmill will help keep it functioning properly and running quietly. If necessary, replace parts or apply lubrication according to the manufacturer's instructions.

These methods are common approaches to reducing noise and vibration, but their effectiveness may vary depending on individual circumstances. Consult your treadmill manufacturer's instructions and expert advice to find the best solution.

Well, it's a normal thing. Regarding this maintenance, I heard from an expert that the lubricant is silicone spray. Turn the belt over and spray it on.

I was told that silicone spray is not that expensive, it's cheap, and it's enough.

My friend has a running spot nearby, and many people run all the time, even at night, so I run outside. There aren't many people like that, but I envy them. I once tried to do this while running in the city when I was traveling, but I stopped because I thought it was very dangerous because there were people around me who were surprised and there were obstacles.

I'm also concerned about sunburn, and I'm very jealous of my friends who have spots where they can run at night.

I would like to start again when it gets a little warmer. Just a 20 minute walk can make a big difference.

This time, I wrote about the benefits of having a treadmill at home and how much exercise you should do.




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