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自由民主党、岸田文雄が選挙に勝てた理由The reason why Fumio Kishida, the Liberal Democratic Party, won the election.

























2021/10/30. In Japan, the House of Representatives election was held. It was Fumio Kishida who was appointed as the 100th Prime Minister / 27th President of the Liberal Democratic Party. First of all, from his career, he was born on July 29, 1957. He has been elected to the House of Representatives, the Liberal Democratic Party, and the Hiroshima constituency (Naka, East, and Minami Wards of Hiroshima City) nine times (since his first election, he has been elected in consecutive constituencies).

This time, the House of Representatives election is competing for 465 seats.

Fumio Kishida, as he has done, is not an innovator. In this corona situation, it ended in a short period of time so that the previous administration would be chased very much, and it was decided to be judged by the people. Very, it looks like a disadvantage to the Liberal Democratic Party.

However, although Yoshihide Suga of the former administration was an assistant to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, there was no backing within the party. Therefore, even when he became prime minister, there was no one who could specifically assist him.

So, while I had to force the Olympics in a series of coronas, nominating Yoshihide Suga, the office worker, was a very convenient selection for maintaining the administration.

From here the scenario was written. Therefore, rather than the administration as the Liberal Democratic Party, it was a selection of people who questioned Yoshihide Suga’s personal skills.

However, although this is very risky, if done well, Yoshihide Suga was selected by the public as a person who could take power. By no means, he was not the representative of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Then, this time, it was an election that questioned the true intentions of the people. As the Liberal Democratic Party, this conservative election, rather than an innovator, made it an election to ask Shinzo Abe to continue his substantive policies.

The way the Liberal Democratic Party scenario was written was awesome.

Yukio Edano, the Constitutional Democratic Party, the first opposition party, has teamed up with the Communist Party. Generally, the name “Constitutional Democratic Party” is not good. Because Japan is a very constitutional amendment and is shaking.

However, we are continuing the old system without changing the constitution. Therefore, in Japan, where various discussions are held in this constitution, I feel a foreign body in the national sentiment such as “constitution”.

The Communist Party maintains the support of the working class and is an opposition party, but it is very stable and its operation is strong. The Communist Party reduced its seats by two, but it was very convenient to rob the Constitutional Democratic Party of its supporters.

Then, the Japan Ishin no Kai, which became the third party this time, was just too weak for the first opposition party. The Nippon Ishin no Kai conquered Osaka, but could not win other constituencies.

The Nippon Ishin no Kai was a “policy to keep private school tuition fees at the same level as public schools.” This scenario was not good. Osaka has long been a city of “merchant”, with many people having a strong sense of money and a city with a lot of rebellious spirit.

Many people have a different idea from the metropolitan area. That’s why I won in Osaka.

And although the policy of the Nippon Ishin no Kai is convenient for the winner, in Japan, where the number of suicides increases in this corona recession, the basic livelihood security of the people that stabilizes their lives will be more stable. I was looking for it.

Therefore, there was a discrepancy with the demands of the people, and this policy was not supported by the people.

After all, it is now being considered by the opposition that the representatives will change one after another due to the total collapse of the opposition.

The public vividly remembers that the current opposition, Yukio Hatoyama, had a very poor administration when he came to power, as a very bad feeling.

It has been taken over once, but has already earned the trust of the people. Therefore, the Liberal Democratic Party set up Fumio Kishida, an old faction, and was the correct answer.

If this is an innovation group, I feel that I had a hard time.

It was against this background that we were able to take a stable majority of 261 seats.

Since I am from Hiroshima, I think there will be various international approaches to nuclear issues. Fumio Kishida has already stated that he is “the only exposed country in the world.” Thus, the Liberal Democratic Party manifesto was very good. This shows that as a stable government, it will last for a long time.

A manifesto that looks good on words like “lose to win”.










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