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要注意!大手会社にブログの記事をパクられた.Be careful! I was stolen by a blog post by a major company.












I didn’t notice that my article was copied. This time, this is the end.

I used to post only photos on Twitter, and I saw that I retaken the scene and made it into an article, so I stopped posting only photos on Twitter. That’s how ignorant it was. In the meantime, a site where someone posted only photos was created in conjunction with my Twitter account. When I was surprised, Google eliminated it.

This time, I searched for articles on remakes of old clothes.

Because, in an article run by a major company, there was a remake that I posted in 2020. Insta’s mom, who lives in Hawaii, is a site operated by each company and has about 330,000 followers.

The idea was taken there and posted. Then, the Japanese company quoted it and posted it.

However, this seems to be unavoidable because the idea has no copyright. Therefore, the original may go above the copy.

I knew that.

This is a rule, so there’s nothing I can do about it.

I’m a small blog, but I can’t help it.

I run this blog in the red. The blog is a pain that you should really like.

A quiet personal account isn’t glamorous, but I’m sure you’ll have a warm exchange. If you are sincere, there will surely be good things. Believing that, I continue this deficit blog.


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