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観光スポット!文学を感じる石山寺とランチを楽しむ旅Tourist attractions! A trip to enjoy lunch at Ishiyama-dera Temple where you can feel the literature



Ishiyama Temple is located in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture. This Ishiyama Temple is a temple of Kannon pilgrimage to 33 places in the West. Enma the Great is the king who does bad things. It is Kannon who saves this suffering. It was Tokudo Shonin who established the temple with the Kannon Bodhisattva in search of that salvation. There is 33 Kannon pilgrimages in the oldest western country in Japan to seek the mercy of Kannon. This Ishiyama temple is one of them. This area is located in Osaka, Kyoto, Wakayama, Nara, Hyogo, Shiga and Gifu. The Western pilgrimage is 2018 and has continued for 1300 years.

Ishiyamaji is the 13th temple.




Todaimon is a three-storied house with an eight-legged gate (Irimoya-zukuri) and a main tile-roofed building. The statues of Nio are enshrined on the left and right of the front.

The existing gate is said to have been built in 1190, but in 1596-1615 there was a major repair and renovation similar to a new construction. The crotch of the board frog under the ceiling, the hanging fish of the wife decoration, and the decoration hidden at both ends that support the ridge. There are characteristics of the Keicho period. In addition, except for the corners, there is no tail tree (a material in which the box assembly protrudes diagonally). It was designated as a national important cultural property in 1906.

金剛力士像/Kongorikishi statue

よく手入れされた庭は、その枝ぶりには、非常に驚かされます。A well-maintained garden is very amazed at its branches.




It is said that your wish will come true if you go through here.

In the precincts, there are rare stones that are the origin of the name Ishiyamaji. It is made of silica ash stone. It is designated as a natural memorial.

長い石段を登ります。Climb a long stone staircase.

石山寺多宝塔/Ishiyamaji Tahoto


The Taho Tower is a double tower with a treasure-shaped roof on a flat surface with a square lower layer and a circular upper layer. The Ishiyamaji Tahoto is said to have been built by Minamoto no Yoricho, and is the oldest surviving Tahoto carved in metal and stone in 1194. The upper layer is small, the eaves flow slowly and long, and the top and bottom are well-proportioned and beautiful. In addition, there is a pillar painting on the four heavenly pillars inside, where you can see Buddhist statues and patterns from the beginning. (Important cultural property) On the Sumidan, a sitting statue of Dainichi Nyorai (important cultural property) made by Kakei is enshrined. It was designated as a national treasure in June 1951.

御神木/Mikami tree

石山寺毘沙門堂/Ishiyamaji Bishamondo

石山寺御影堂/Ishiyamaji Mikagedo


Kobo Daishi was enshrined here. He is said to have been born in Kagawa prefecture in 774. He was very enthusiastic about studying, was a messenger to Tang, and went to the country of Tang. The Shikoku region is a very blessed location because it is warm and various crops can be produced in Shikoku. There was only one problem. It doesn’t rain much, so Kobo Daishi instructed Shikoku to build a lot of ponds. Then he created a pond to store a lot of rainwater. This pond is no longer needed in modern times, so there are no more ponds in Shikoku now. Kobo Daishi, who was enthusiastic about studying in this way, is enshrined, and this Ishiyamaji has a slightly different impression. It felt culture and literature.

本堂/Main hall

本堂の横には、「源氏の間」がありこれは、国宝に指定されています。Next to the main hall, there is “Genji no Ma”, which is designated as a national treasure.

源氏の間/Between Genji


It is said that Shikibu was withdrawn to write “Genji Monogatari”. This room filled with this purple ceremonial club was a room used by other scenes of “Ishiyamaji Engi Emaki”, emperors, royal families, aristocrats, high-ranking monks, etc. from other literature, and was a special treatment purple ceremonial club. It was highly desired to create a new story, which was the mission of the Purple Shikibu. This room was already called “Genji no Ma” in the Kamakura era. The oldest material of “Genji no Ma” is “Ishiyamaji Engi Emaki”.

石山寺三十八所権現社本殿/Ishiyamaji 38th place Gongensha main shrine


経蔵の下には、腰掛け石があります。この岩に座ると安産すると言われています。Below the Keizo, there is a stool stone. It is said that sitting on this rock will give you a safe delivery.

腰掛岩/Sit rock

紫式部供養塔/Purple Shikibu memorial tower

松尾芭蕉の句碑/Matsuo Basho’s monument



Basho Matsuo (1644-1694/11/28) visited this place and made “Genji no Ma” a haiku.

“Akebono is still murasaki ni hototogisu” It’s a very beautiful haiku that superimposes the beautiful purple sky before dawn and the beautiful cry of hototogisu. However, the monument has been inscribed for many years and can no longer be read.

めかくし石/Mekakushi stone


It is said that if you blindfold and hold this stone completely, your wishes will be fulfilled (shoganjoju / various wishes will come true).

比良明神影向石(ひらみょうじんようごうせき)/Hiramyojin Yogoseki


Roben Sojo (689-773), a priest of Todaiji Temple, was ordered by Emperor Seibu to procure the gold necessary for the construction of the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple. I visited this Ishiyama after receiving the dream of (Kongo Zaou). Then, on this rock, an old man was sitting and fishing, and he told the old-fashioned monk that the place of the announcement was here. This old man was the landlord of Omi. He calls the landlord Hira Myojin. For this reason, this stone is called “Hira Myojin Yogoseki”.


福をもたらす神様。God who brings good fortune.



It is a temple where you can feel the importance of culture and literature. I was very impressed that Murasaki Shikibe was here and wrote the “Genji Monogatari”. Even in modern times, it has been translated into modern languages by various people and countries, and it has become a movie, and this story is still the best seller in the world. In addition, there are connections with various educated people such as Kobo Daishi and Matsuo Basho. Surrounded by natural memorial stones, Ishiyama Temple is very sloping and has many stairs. Please take your time and worship while taking a break.


At Ishiyamaji, there are many shops when you enter the parking lot (charged). So I went to Koshu. Reservations only for night hours from 10:00 to 17:00 and 17:00. There are no specific holidays, so confirmation is required in advance. Phone 077-537-0127, Michelin There is a chef who trained at a three-star restaurant. Here, the specialty is Shijimi Kamameshi. When I asked “What do you recommend?”, The answer was “Unaju.” Instead of Unaju, I ordered Unadon. Eating here takes time. After ordering, it will be cooked. So it’s very delicious. The eel was charcoal-fired, had a moderate amount of scent, was fragrant, and was freshly made, so it was very delicious. We recommend that you come to the store with plenty of time.


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