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鹿児島観光スポット、東郷平八郎の像で国土を守る大切さを知る。Learn the importance of protecting the land from the statue of Heihach


Tagayama is a scenic place where you can see almost all of Kagoshima City from the top of the mountain. However, other than locals, this is a place that few people know about and visit.







Heihachiro Togo's grave is located in Tagayama next to Ishibashi Memorial Park. This location was chosen because it is visible in the center from ships entering Kagoshima Bay, and the ruins of the cannon battery, the remains of the Satsuma-British War that led to Heihachiro Togo's entry into the navy, can be seen directly below.

``It is in this one battle that a country prospers or loses, so let each of us work harder.'' In 1905, the commander of the fleet and the commander-in-chief attached the Z flag (international signal flag) to Mikasa. The Battle of the Sea of Japan has begun.

Heihachiro Togo commanded this naval battle as the commander-in-chief of the combined fleet. He annihilated the very strong Russian Baltic fleet using clove tactics.

Born in Kajiyamachi in 1847, he participated in the Anglo-Satsuma War at the age of 15. The boy's goal in life was to build a strong navy, and after studying abroad in England, he poured his heart into strengthening the navy and became known as ``the world's great general.''

In his old age, Marshal Togo, who served as the president of Togu Gakakusho, passed away in 1934 at the age of 88.

He received a state funeral and was buried in Tama Cemetery (Tokyo). The field marshal's hair was buried in Mt. Tagayama. Then a bronze statue was erected.















These words are engraved here.

Marshal Togo monument

If you offer the name of Holy General to Marshal Togo, he will firmly decline. Being humble is a virtue, and it is one of the most important character traits. However, if a field marshal is called a famous general of the country, he cannot refuse.

This is because the world officially recognizes that the two great coaches who saved Japan in the decisive naval battle were Japan's Heihachiro Togo and Britain's Nelson.

On May 27, 1905, Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, Heihachiro Togo, said on stage aboard the battleship Mikasa, ``We are in this battle for the rise and fall of the Empire, so let each of us work harder and do our best.'' They set their sights high and waited for the enemy's fleet at the Tsushima Channel, all members of the fleet were unified under Marshal Togo, and the enemy was successfully annihilated, achieving a great victory and achieving the "Rise of the Empire" (the prosperity of the country). The basics have been defined for this battle.

Nakagoro was born on February 22, 1847, in Kajiya-cho, Kagoshima Prefecture, as the fourth son of Togo Kichizaemon, as an ordinary person who was not yet famous. During the Sino-Japanese War, he served as the captain of the warship Naniwa.

In response to the sinking of a British high-speed boat, Field Marshal Togo's wisdom and knowledge of international law led him to utter the words that will go down in history, saying, ``We are in the midst of a battle for the rise and fall of the Empire, so we urge our guests to work even harder.''

In doing so, we accomplished something that is worthy of historical recognition during the Russo-Japanese War. After that, he served as the president of Togu Gakakusho, and it is very surprising that his life would become a major figure who contributed to the growth of Japan.

When he was a youth, he was educated by Takamori Saigo. When he was 17 years old, he realized that he would defend his country in the Satsuma-British War. During the Meiji Restoration, he fought in the Battle of Hakodate, became an apprentice officer in the Imperial Navy at the age of 24, studied abroad in England for eight years from the ages of 25 to 32, studied military tactics, and returned to Japan. , served as captain and commander.

That's how he honed his temperament to become a director.

During that time, he fell ill many times and suffered, but this gave him the opportunity to gain the fighting spirit to overcome his illness and to gain morals as a human being. That's how he grew up.

Marshal Togo was a general, but he lived a successful and prosperous life. This is not something that can be easily achieved.

One way is to have a statue of Nelson in the downtown area of London, the capital of England.

A statue of Marshal Togo stands in his hometown, and it is beautiful to look at. May 27, 1957.


If you go up the stairs that only one person can pass through, you will see a statue of Togo Heihachiro.




It stands overlooking Kagoshima Bay. Kagoshima Prefecture was the southernmost tip of Japan. (Currently Okinawa) Here you can feel Japan's strong will to defend its national defense and protect its borders.

Sometimes unreasonable things happen at borders. This is very worrying.

Therefore, protect your own country by yourself. It is a place where you can feel such strong determination and thoughts. Peace is a necessary and minimum condition that can only be felt if there is a people and a nation.




Some people dislike the Japanese flag. However, without land, the people cannot feel happiness. protect the country I feel this is important.

War makes people unhappy. Therefore, no matter how many hardships we face, I believe that if we do not bend our hearts and have strong morals, we will be able to understand each other without fighting. I think it's idealistic, but reality is a series of sad things.

The battleship "Mikasa" is preserved in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It seems that you can also take a tour. If you are interested, please check it out.


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